Nostalgia masa kanak-kanak

Gue kmaren baru liat2 fesbuk, terus di list "My Groups" ada 1 di group list gue yg menarik perhatian gue. It's called "Klo loe inget ini, brarti loe anak thn 90-an (Indonesian Version)"

Ada gak yang join grup ini?

Yah intinya sih grup ini dibuat buat anak-anak yang.. erm, mengalami masa SD/SMP/SMA pada tahun 90-an. Gue salah satunya (SD doank seh... SMP mah uda taon 2000-an).

Back to the group who is proven successful in taking us back to our childhood. Beberapa poin yang bisa gue ambil dan gue komentari:


1. PD = Percaya Diri

:gue inget banget iklan yang bilang "PD aja lagi!" yang mpe skrg terus berputar2 di setiap kepala para insan tahun 90-an.

2. bela-belain bangun pagi, just to watch Power Rangers hari Minggu jam 9... dan Doraemon jam 8...eits, jangan lupa Detective conan & Dragon Ball afterwards...

: gue tau ada power rangers, doraemon, conan dan dragon ball... terus hari minggu mulai ada doraemon, ninja hattori, dan.... P-man. (masih pada inget p-man gak? yang lagunya kayak gini "P-man P-man P-man... kupanggil dia P-man... suaranya riang... datanglah oh P-man.. datanglah ke rumahku... datanglah oh P-man.. ke dalam hatiku... P-man P-man P-man..) Oh my goodness gue masih apal!!!!! Oh iya gue gak sempet tuh nonton filem yang pagi2 karna dulu gue sekolah minggu... Dan dulu cuman orang2 kaya yang punya recorder.

3. How 'bout Saint Seiya, hari Senin Jam 5 d RCTI, cewe2 : Sailormoon (sailor Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Tuxedo bertopeng, dll)

: Nah ini yang paling sering gue tonton. Dulu ada BT-X jem 3 di AnTV kalo gak salah. Terus diganti samurai-X (Kenshin Himura, Kaoru Kamiya). Gue langganan tuh nonton BT-X. Dulu waktu kecil gue les inggris tiap selasa jumat jem 2-4, jadi gak bisa nonton itu tiap slasa dan jumat... terus pas BTX abis diganti jadi filem2 Animax yang beda2 tiap harinya, salah satunya Samurai X (aneh, koq samurai X masuk Animax, hahaha…) gue lupa sih hari apa nayangin filem apa.. yang gue inget hari rabu itu Jumanji, dan hari jumat itu Final Fantasy. trus setelah itu jem 4 ada filem cewek kayak Sailormoon atau Wedding Peach (oh gusti bajunya cakep-cakep), atau Magic Night Rayearth dan kawan-kawan.. Jam 5 baru filem cowok kayak saint saiya, Ksatria Baja Hitam (Kotaro Minami!!), Jiban (yang pada akhirnya jadi akronim dari 'Jijik banget'), Ultraman, dan ksatria2 Jepang lainnya.

4. Nintendo, SEGA, Super Nintendo

: Belum ada tuh Playstation! Dulu jamannya masih gameboy, nintendo, ato SEGA. Dulu gue punya SEGA (tapi dicolong, huhuhu) dan kasetnya tuh MAHAL. Bisa 35.000 1 kaset! (oh iya dulu 35rb itu jumlah yang besar, bisa beli Chiki 140 bungkus!). Kaset SEGA favorit gue dan koko gue tuh yang berantem2an ato balap2an... Inget banget dulu maen Top Gear ato Street Fighter (Chun Li, Vega, Lau.. pada inget gak sih?) dan Virtua Fighter (Akira, Jacky, Sarah, dkk). Oh iya ada kaset Sonic and the Hedgedog. Hahaha. Terus biasa pinjem2an kaset sega sama sodara2.

5. Ada yg inget majalah Fantasi atau Bobo ga?

: Dulu gue tiap kali beli bobo di emperan deket sekolah..... demen bener ama cerpennya.

6. Loe rasa Backstreet boys dulu TOP

: Asli bener banget... Jaman boysband merajalela.. Mulai dari backstreetboys (lagu2nya masih cupu2 kayak I want it that way, backstreet's back), boyzone, hanson, savage garden, 5ive, A1, westlife (ini sih uda zaman gue SMP si westlife mulai ngetop... dulu westlife lagunya belon ngusik2 klasik jazz gitu lah... masi pop kayak my love, more than words, i have a dream). Terus band ceweknya Spicegirls, band campuran kayak Steps (lagu tragedy, oh my goodness gue masih inget melodynya), Vengaboys (Boom Boom Boom), Aqua (Barbie Girl).

7. how 'bout Tamagochi

: Gue punya tuh! Koko gue juga punya. Dulu punya tamagochi kayaknya 'in' banget. Padahal mah gitu2 aja...

8. Sepatu dgn lampu nyala di belakang serasa..COOOOLLL!!!

: Hahahah!! IYA IYA!!! Super 1000x bener banget! Sampe sepatu pantofel gue haknya bisa nyala!!!

9. Back to Laser Disc, not VCD nor DVD
: Pernyewaan laser disc ada di mana2.
Bokap gue sering sewain tuh kalo gue dan kakak2 bertingkah laku baik.

10. Hallooooo...Walkie Talkie...

: Dulu walkie talkie buat jalan2 bareng kalo konvoy. Secara henfon biaya nelfon masih mahal. Dulu henfon cuman ada GSM, biaya interlokal, kaga ada tuh HP2 CDMA ato HP2 laen yang murah2. Dan cuma ada simpati, mentari, dan Pro XL. Eh salah. dulu henfon masih non-eksistent di kalangan anak2. Ortu pun jarang2 yang berhape. Dulu mereka pada pake pager.... Kalo tukeran nomer sama temen2 biasanya nomer telfon rumah. Sering bwt janji lwt tlp, & kita harus hafal nomor2 tlp tmn sekelas...

11. Susi Susanti, Alan Budikusuma menang Olimpiade Barcelona, jamannya Ricky Subagja/ Rexy Maenaki engga terkalahkan

: Mereka jago sekali. Dulu.

12. HOT WHEELS, TAMIYA, mobil2an...& bwt cewe2 ( course!)

: Tamiya, mobil2an, pestol2an, pedang2an, Barbie, Polly Pocket. Dan yang lebih unisex, Lego.

13. inget jaman2nya Gundu / Kelereng?

: Sampe tuker2an kelereng, koleksi kelereng, dll.

pernah ntn : Lion King / Home Alone 1,2,3 / Batman / Forest Gump / ....yeah yeah...Titanic

: Poccahontas, Speed 1 & 2

15. ada yg pernah koleksi kertas Notebook dgn gambar2 keren?

: Gue!!! GUE!!!! Sampe bisa bilang "gue punya asli!" padahal mah kertas file sama aja... sampe tuker2an sama temen2... dulu masi jamannya kertas file, terus kelas akhir taon 90-an mulai orgi yang lucu2 bermunculan.

wah, jam 9 mlm, saatnya Dunia Dalam Berita d semua channel, dan layar emas pun dipotong...Kata Ayah : "Anak2...saatnya tidurrrr..!!"...(kepotong ntn layar emasnya!)...rrrrgh!

: Jem 9, seluruh stasiun TV nayangin Dunia Dalam Berita. Nah layar emas di RCTI kan mulai jem 8, ya udah kepotong deh tu... Mulai lagi pas jem stgh 10 (iyeh, beritanya cuma stgh jem doang sih...). Tapi meski gitu, anak-anak jaman dulu begitu sebelnye sama si USI KARUNDENG, dan temen-temen Penyiar TVRI) habis motong2 layar emas kita, dan gak cuman itu, ditambah lagi dengan cuap2 dari orang tua yang nyuruh kita tidur jem 9 (padahal masih mau nonton layar emas). Tapi kalo filem layar emasnya lagi bagus dan bonyok gw ikut ntn, mereka biasanya ngijinin gw nonton layar emas mpe abis (kelarnya biasanya jem stgh 11... dulu jem segitu tuh uda malem banget buat anak SD kayak gue).

17. blm ada TRANS TV, TV 7, GLOBAL, & TV2 Lokal...

: cuman ada 6 stasiun televisi, yakni TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia) yang lagunya berbunyi "TVRI menjalin persatuan dan kesatuan...", TPI (Televisi Pendidikan Indonesia) "TPI... makin asyik ajaaa!!", RCTI "RCTI Oke...", SCTV "SCTV ngetooppp", Indosiar (yang iconnya ikan terbang), dan AnTV (apa yah lagunya?). yang laen masi blon ada tuh.... Metro TV pun baru muncul belakangan, di tahun 2001-2002.

org2 yg berusia >17 serasa Tinggi banget & Tua...wakakakakaka

: no comment lah ya...

ROLLER BLADE dan Ice Skating!

: 'in' banget nih dulu.... Dulu di TA (Mal Taman Anggrek) pas baru buka Ring buat maen ice skating, harga maennya cuman Rp. 17.500,- , gak kayak sekarang yg udah melejit tinggi.

aaaaaaah, asik duduk d dpn mobil lg... (privilage donk!)

: hahaha.. dulu bangku depan mobil tuh di'reserved' buat orang tua. anak2 mah duduk di belakang.

McGyver (Hafal opening song-nya, sampe coba2 mikirin sesuatu yg kreatif spy jd 'the Next McGyver')

: Tiap Rabu jem 8-9 di RCTI!!!! Acara2 lainnya: Legenda Ular putih (Pai Shu Chen) jem 8 di SCTV hari Kamis, Sun Go Kong di Indosiar, Legenda Pendekar Rajawali si Yoko di Indosiar.

22. No Internet, No Facebook nor Friendster

: Internet pun sesuatu yang sangat jarang dan langka Internet paling baru populer (namun masih mahal, jaman dial up) pada tahun 2000an. dulu imel2 orang pada pake hahahah. Ceting pun masih di IRC. Dulu kalo maen komputer masih pake Windows 95 dan windows 98... Gamesnya pun beragam, namun yang paling gue inget adalah Chip Challenge dan Ski free (gue inget banget mpe skrg kalo gue maen kayaknya gak bakal bisa menang maen ski free… abis ujungnya selalu ada monster yang makanin playernya)!!!

23. No iPod, no Camera Digital (& u have too buy films for ur camera such as : asa 100, asa 200 or asa 400)

: begitulah…… anak2 sekarang terlalu dimanja dengan digicam mereka. Dan dulu zamannya kaset dan walkman!!

24. oy, ada yg punya baju Superman dgn sayap di belakang ga?...haha!...remember those days...

: kalo ini sih gue gak punya..... hehehehe tp inget banget banyak temen2 yang punya...


Poin tambahan:

25. Masih belajar gerakan orde baru, G30S PKI, supersemar, dll.

26. Masih ngapalin UUD’45 dan butir-butir pancasila.

27. Semua nama menteri, kantor departemen negara, kantor kedubes, harus dihapal.

28. Meskipun keren ada brick game, nintendo, dan sega, namun kita masih sering aja ketemuan ama tetangga demi main gobak sodor, tak benteng, tak patung, merdeka, karet jepang, skipping, gundu, gasing, engklek, bekel, dll.

29. Snack dulu itu cuman Chiki, Chetos, Chitato, Jetset, Anak Mas, Tenny, dan Taro. Kalo yang tidak bermerek beragam kayak makaroni dan lidi (bisa pilih antara asin ato pedes). Ada lagi siomay abang yang harganya Cuma 150 perbuah. Jadi kalo dengan duit 1000 bisa beli siomay isi 6...

30. Dulu ada kuis Indosat Galileo Galilieo yang bawain si mantan personelnya Kahitna sama Susan Bachtiar. Kuis2 lainnya seperti Tak Tik Bom (Dede Yusuf), Family 100 (Sony Tulung), Piramida (Ronny Sianturi), Kata Berkait (Niko Siahaan), Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Tantowi Yahya), Siapa Berani (Helmie Yahya, Alya Rohali).

31. Banyak sinetron2 yang cukup menarik kayak Si Doel Anak Sekolahan (Rano Karno [si Doel], Suti Karno [Atun], Basuki [Mas Karyo], Maudy Koesnady [pacarnya mas karyo.. lupa namanya], Benyamin S. [Babeh]... dan gue serius kalo lu minta gue nyanyiin lagu si doel gue masih inget!), Tersanjung 1-6 (yg maen masih Lulu Tobing gak sih?), Tersayang (si Jihan Fahira yang jadi Mayang, Anjasmara jadi Dion, Adam Jordan jadi Andi [oh gusti gue masih inget!!], terus ada Fanny Fadila dan temennya yang gendut itu...), Janjiku (Paramitha Rusady, dan Gunawan ini ceritanya tentang penyanyi cantik buta), Air Mata Ibu (Paramitha Rusady, Gunawan, Joshua), Aku Ingin Pulang (Cornelia Agatha, Krisna Mukti), Pelangi di Matamu (Mona Ratuliu.. ini tentang orang yang bisu dan tuli), Wah.. Cantiknya (Anjasmara [Nceppp!!!], Nani Wijaya, Tamara Belsinky), terus ada Mutiara Cinta (Ira Wibowo, Sahrul Gunawan)... oh gawd gue sering nonton sinetron juga......

32. Dulu ada sitkom kayak Gara-Gara (Lydia Kandou, Jimmy Gideon, Sion Gideon), Lika Liku Laki Laki, baru abis itu sitkom mistis mulai menggantikan tempat seperti, Jin dan Jun (Sahrul Gunawan, Robert Syarif), Tuyul dan Mbak Yul (Ony Syahrial, Cindy), Jinny oh Jinny (Diana Pungky, Indra Brugman)... Terus inget gak yang nama Produser, Eksekutif Produser, dan sebagainya itu biasanya nama2 india, khususnya Punjabi. Akhir 90-an juga ditandai drama-drama superhero seperti, Joshua Anak Ajaib, Panji Manusia Milenium, Saras 008 (Saras itu drama paling gak zelas pokoknya). Oh ada juga serial Lupus dan Lupus Millenium (dulu bintang yg meranin si Lupusnya bagus sebelum diganti sama Attar Syah.... gue inget banget si Boim diperanin sama Fanny Fadila, Lulu diperanin Agnes Monica, Poppy diperanin Mona Ratuliu).. Btw Lupus itu maennya di sekolah SMP gue!! Hahaha.

33. Banyak banget penyanyi cilik di tahun 90-an (gak kayak sekarang, kayaknya hampir punah deh...). Dulu ada Melissa (Abang Tukang Bakso, Si Komo Lewat), Enno Lerian (Du Di Du Di Dam Dam, Semut-Semut Nakal), Saskia-Geofanny (Bang Bing Bong Yokkk Kita Nabung), Trio Kwek-Kwek (Alfandy, Dhea Ananda, Leony) (Jangan Marah-Marah, Tante), Chikita Meidy (mantan presenter Pesta Ceria, artis asal Minang yang terkenal sama lagunya Kampuang Nan Jauah di Mato), jangan lupa juga Trala Trililinya Agnes Monica dan Kak Ferry (mantan suaminya si Ananda Early), Indra Bekti juga sempet loh bawaiin ini acara (inget gaaa.....)!!!! Terus ada Joshua, Cyndi Cenora, terus banyak trio2 yang gak jelas dan kurang terkenal kayak trio cantik, trio manis, trio cerewet, mega trio, dan lain2. Ada lagi si centil Maissy Cilukkkba....muuachhh!!

34. Dulu masih ada komik2 sejarah indonesia yg judulnya Imperium Majapahit karangan Jan Mintaraga. Komik jepang juga ada lah ya... Kayak Hakkeyoi, Sailormoon R, Sailormoon S (yg berwarna), Doraemon (paling favorit), Ninja Hattori, Kung Fu Tao, Kung Fu Boy, Candy-Candy, Dragon Ball (masih rajawali grafiti belum ke elexmedia), Topeng Kaca, dan serial2 cantik lainnya yang mulai banyak. Adalagi serial misteri kayak Ami dkk... yg atasnya warna biru tua... Terus Conan mewabah diikuti RL Stine dengan koleksi Goosebumpsnya!!!

35. Taon 2001-2002an baru muncul deh cerita Harry Potter, siaran Teletubbies, Crayon Sinchan, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta nya Dian Sastro.

26. Taon 2001-02 mulai demam boysband Taiwan khususnya F4, dan drama2 Taiwan kayak Meteor Garden, MARS, at the dolphin bay, dan lain2. Setelah surut demam Taiwan, muncul lagi deman Korea kayak Endless Love, Winter Sonata, Full House (Song Hye Gyo dan Rain alias Bi), dsb...


Setelah taon 2003 gue udah kurang ngikutin perkembangan zaman karna udah pindah ke Singapura ~_~ yah pokoknya masa kecil kami meski fasilitas masih pas2an namun tetap bahagia... hehehehe....

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in jakarta

udah lama gak tulis ginian... skrg gue lagi di jakarta!!!!

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phone calls

he does not like my phone calls. Fine. I will not find him no more.

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Semua karna koka kola.

Belum lama ini gue nimbang berat badan, ehhhh mana nyangka berat badan gue naek 4 kilo!! Gue sampe ngos-ngosan cuma buat ngeliat jarum timbangan yang mendarat di angka yang sangat gak biasa kalo gue lagi nimbang.

Alhasil gue bertekat buat gak makan banyak2 malem2. Pokoknya kalo uda malem gue cuma mau makan buah. Titik. Cuma buah.

Kmaren malem gue bikin Acad di hostel, terus perut keroncongan. Males keluar ah, ntar deh kalo acad gue uda kelar, gue mandi, terus keluar makan (baca: beli buah). Pas mandi, tiba2 starbucks oreo cheesecake gue telfon... "eh, gue beli semangka nih gede banget... mau gak?"

Gue langsung gemilang... "Mau mau!!" Terus starbucks oreo cheesecake gue lanjut, "ntar ya, pas gue pulang kerja gue temuin lu."

Gue ngelirik ke jam babi gue... 9.24.

WAaaa... malem bangettttt.....

Alhasil demi semangka, gue menahan lapar sampe dia nyampe di depan pintu hostel gue. Kelar makan semangka, kita jalan bentar. Dia beli chicken wing gitu deh.. alhasil gue jadi ikutan makan (dikiiiiiiiiitttt...). Lalu dia beli coca cola 2 botol (rencana diet gue gagal totallll!!!) dan kita main2 gitu semprot2an koka kola karna dia duluan yg mulai ngocok botol koka kola dia dan menyemburkan isi botol itu ke baju meta gue yang sangat gue kasihi..... begitulah kami kejar2an sampe koka kola gue uda kehilangan gas buat disemprotin..

Gak terasa setelah selesai main dan ngobrol2 dan jalan2 dan lain2, udah jem 2 pagi. Langsung nalar gue tiba2 bekerja dengan baik. Baju gue basah kena koka kola (mana putih lagi!!), jadi pulang2 gue harus nyuci baju. PR acad gue belon kelar, gue harus mandi dan keramas karna koka kola (padahal sebelum ketemu dia gue uda mandi bersih2!!), dll... DAN SKRG UDAH PAGI!!!! ACAD gue gimana?? Kapan mo kelar!?? BEsok gue harus kumpulin!!! Gue kontan ngambek.

Gue langsung pasang tampang jutek dan minta pulang. Gue ngambek abis2an di jalan. Starbucks oreo cheesecake gue langsung minta maaf terus2an karna ngajak gue main. Gue tetep gak terima. Gue bilang "Daritadi kan gue uda minta pulang, lu malah main2... rambut gue itu kalo dicuci lama keringnya, kapan gue mau tidur?? PR gue belon kelar, masi banyak, besok kumpul, gua harus sacrifice waktu tidur gue deh...." Pokoknya gue komplen komplen terus selama perjalanan pulang. Tampang dia udah gak enak, dia uda pasrah gue omelin, dia minta maaf, dia sms gue maaf, dia kasi gue semangat, dia nawarin nyuciin baju gue, tapi tetep semua gue gak terima. Yang saat itu gue pikirin adalah gue sebel karna pr gue belon kelar dan saat itu uda jem 2. Gue kesel karna gue harus mandi lagi, karna gue harus keramas lagi, karna gue harus nyuci baju, semua karna dia. Karna dia nyemprotin koka kola ke gue. Karna dia ngajak gue keluar. Karna dia beliin gue semangka. Karna gue sayang dia.

Besok pagi gue buka sms.... "Sorry ya... lu belajar yang bener, jangan sampe ketiduran." terus dia kasi emoticon... Gue langsung ngerasa gak enak.... Ya ampun Louisa!! Apa sih yang bikin lu ngomel2 sama dia kmaren??? Perlu gue akuin sih gue agak emosional kmaren, maklum cewek lagi db... tapi... apa sih salah dia? Toh dia juga gak tau kalo PR gue belon kelar, dan gue juga gak kasi tau dia kalo PR gue belon kelar.. gue yang seneng ngikutin dia main kmana2, gue yang seneng kalo ada dia di samping gue. Salah siapa?

Gue langsung sms dia pagi itu juga minta maap.. gak tau knapa gue marah2 gak jelas kmaren. Gak ada balesan. Sampe sekarang.


Kuraj. MPe skrg gue mikirin dia terus. Huhuhuhuh. Gimana nih... apa perlu gue beliin dia kado? Tapi gue sibuk banget.. HAAAAAHHHHH.......

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When I looked at the time, the phone, the bus, the ipod, the bottle, the laptop, the school, everything around me... it's you who appears.


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im in the lowest pit of my life.

it's dark and filthy in here.

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MetamorphoSIS 2008

Meta Camp 08 is such a BLAST!! Like seriously, I had so much fun during the Meta Camp as compared to the boring FTB (Freshmen TeamBuilding Camp). Most probably because in Meta the participants are all those from SIS and somehow we connect more than those outside SIS. I don't know...... And somehow in SIS there are more Poly graduates than JC ones. Hahah.

Even though we didn't win the best clan of the year, but I had so much unforgettable experiences with Navajo... Nava nava ho! Ganbarre ganbarre ho! nava nava ho! ganbarre ganbarre ho! N-A-V-A-J-O ho! YEaaah!!! We are the bestttttt... Mwahahahaha...

SIS is soooo kewllll!!!! Like seriously.

For FTB, my section Rasalas won the best team. Each group under Rasalas get a 50 dollar B&J voucher (woo hooo!!).

But still, Navajo is the best. Mwahahahaha...... Meta is better. much better. in terms of food (this is so obvious!!), sleeping place, FRIENDS, shower place, programmes, etc etc etc. REALLY.


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Im ready

I'm ready to lose you.
I just have no idea how to tell you.

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You protect me like a diamond.
Surround me with your concerns.
Shower me with love.

You give... you give... and you give.
It never ends.

And I am weak when it comes to you.


Is it time to say "I love you"??


I am supposed to break your heart.
Break your heart.
Break you.
Kill you.

But I ...
... can't.

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You are the finest thing to me, and I am attached to you.

Thank you.

I hate it but I have to say it - I'm sorry.
I can never be yours forever, but somehow I don't want to end it. Not yet.
For some unknown reason, I still wanna be your one and only girl.
Which is why it gets harder everyday for me to see you because it makes me wanna stay.
You make me wanna stay, but I have to go.

I know what I do will hurt you, will cut you deep.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I am confused myself.

My heart is beating fast,
But soon after, my brain is thinking hard.
What on earth are you doing???????

I am a girl, I am drowned with my emotions.
You have played your card well, you stir my emotions.
And when I'm conscious and start to open my eyes,
all I know is you holding me.


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Work @ Funan DigitaLife Mall

Today I was transferred to work in Funan DigitaLife Mall instead of the usual Bugis Junction. The stall there was so small as compared to BGJ. Then, what surprised me the most is that, there were only 2 people working, Me and Allan (the in-charge)!!

Allan was put in the kitchen, and I was put at the counter. Like duh, I only know how to do counter... But 2 people was enough because there are soo little customers! In fact, Allan told me he used to handle both outside and inside alone, during non-peak hours. To me, their pick hours are bugis' non-peak hours. Lol. To top it off, their daily nett sales is only one third of bugis'. That's how rare the customers are.

I thought working in Bugis is already very relaxing compared to the restaurants like Ngee Ann City outlet or Isetan outlet. Now after working in Funan, I should say that working in Bugis is SUPER TIRING. Hahahah. And the way they do closing is very simple. Like, at 8:50 pm, they no longer accept anymore orders. Meaning, they are CLOSED. At 9pm, they wash the floor and count money. At 9:30, they relax and talk cock, waiting for bank-in time. At 10pm, they bank in, fax the sales report, and go home. Sooo goood rite???? In Bugis, I tell you. We refuse orders only at 9:45, wash floor at 10:00, bank in at 10:30, go home at 10:45!!!

But I still love Bugis though during peak hours, especially on weekends, is so busy til you can cry. Despite all those, I have more friends there. To me, those people are like my brothers and sisters. I hope to cherish the short moment I have with them.

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Bouncy bicycle ride.

Okay I really don't know what I did but... today I saved 87 cents on bus fares!!!

I went home pretty late from work today as I stayed until closing time but that's not the point. The thing is I was taught a new thing - doing the daily sales report!!!!!! Actually I was really tired so maybe just 50% of the entire training went into my head. So because it was already late, I was given a ride by one of my colleagues.

The funny thing was, my colleague did not drive a car nor a motorbike, but a bicycle!!!!

I was like... WHAT!!??

But it was a funny incident as his bike was really small. At first I doubted that it would be able to fit me behind, but it amazingly did. In the middle of the journey, I almost gave up becoz my legs were so tired to stay against the gravity (the bike was so small I had to pull my legs up to prevent it from brushing the ground). But when I told him I couldn't take it, he met a bunch of his housemates who also rode bicycles (i can't believe they all are bicycle riders!!), and he exchanged his bike for a bigger one (his friend's). That saved my legs a ton.

When we reached paya lebar, he was already perspiring. I, on the other hand, besides balancing my body, was behind him trying to leave a gap between his shirt and my shirt (to prevent the sweat from transferring to my shirt, hahah). To top it off, my neighborhood area was not really designed for bike-riders, as its pedestrian lanes were really narrow and full of steps. He was too stressed riding the bike becoz of those "challenging" lanes and all I could do was just sitting behind him in a pity becoz I just gained a few kgs, lol.

But oh wells. I reached home anyways.

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I don't know you

I've always seen you smile and be happy. But what on earth were you so scary today???
Your face was all red and there's no significant laughter that you always possess.
Something is wrong???
What's the anger?

Tell me what's going on.
I don't know the "you" today.
Promise me you will be back.

I miss you.

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Bugis Pepperlunch Express - Fun FUN!!!

I love you Siska, Thanda, Kimfu, Johnny, Guofeng!!

Friends forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wahai mimpi,
Keluarlah engkau
dari jeruji-jeruji lelapku.

Aku lelah, tidurlah.
Dalam mimpiku aku terbangun.
Dalam sadarku aku tertidur.
Dalam lamunanku aku menggandengmu.

Kini bebaslah.
Nikmatilah masa depan.
Aku ingin menatapmu, sungguh.
Temui aku, ya.

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What Punctuation Mark Are You?

You Are a Comma

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.

You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.

You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.

(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

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Astrid, MTV Sinemusik "Cinta Itu"

Hey guys.. check this cool vid!!

Astrid (vocal) with the Band:
Sadrach Lukas (Piano)
Yordan Kurniawan (Drums)
Ronald Steven (Bass)
Jusuf Winardi (Lead Guitar)
Dion (Rhythm Guitar)

Too bad he's hiding behind the vocalist, the pianist is just sooooooooooooo talented...
And I know him in person!! Hahahaha ok enuf said. he's my cousin alright.


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Tentang sekarang.

Hello people... folks.... friends... whoever you are....

Hehehe. its holiday and as you know, I'm no longer in contact with the English-speaking crowd (not going to school = not speaking english that often).

Hint hint... might be posting in Bahasa Indonesia now yea.... pardon me if this bugs you.

Anyways. Postingan dimulai...

Hidup gue asli nyantai banget setelah SAP. rasanya beban hidup terangkat dari muka bumi ini (ca elah..) yah gimana lagi... gak ada men yang namanya kuliah, exam, dll... semua sudah saya titipkan surat selamat tinggal. hihihi.

Alhasil, liburan gue bener2 gak produktif. gue nongkrong di rumah tiap harinya mikirin apakah ada yang perlu gue kerjain hari ini, yang pada akhirnya menuntun gue kepada jawaban "tidak, koq! Apa lagi yang harus dikerjakan?? Semua sudah selesai"

Hehehe senangnya diriku.

Oh iya. Puji Tuhan gue uda diterima di SMU.

Nah kalo ini gue bikin Englishnya lah ya, biar semua orang bisa baca dan nama Tuhan juga boleh dimuliakan (karna emang Dia satu2nya yang sanggup bikin ini semua terjadi.)

SMU offered me an admission to SIS!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD, coz without Him, this wouldn't have happened!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Tapi yang namanya manusia, pasti punya keinginan yang berbeda-beda, dan apa yang kita dapetin gak semuanya sejalan sama apa yang kita inginkan. Bagus gue bisa diterima di SMU, bagus itu. Tapi inget ga cerita mobil2an di bawah? Gue pengen yang paling bagus. Dan menurut gue, SMU itu ibaratnya bukan mobil2an yang gue harep2in. Gitu deh... (padahal sih intinya yang mo gue sampein, gue sedikit ilfil sama -maaf- beberapa anak indonesia dari indonesia langsung yang ada di sana [ada lah beberapa, nggak koq, bukan dari gereja, tenang sajaaa shannn.. bim.... strid... huweheh])

Ada beberapa kata-kata mereka yg intinya ngejelek2in uni laen yang gue gak suka. bagi gue, its ok buat lu ngebangga2in kampus lu, tapi so NOT HOT kalo sampe elu ngejelek2in kampus lain... siapa elu?? elu gak tau gimana kampus laen beroperasi, siapa elu mengomentari?? Dan lagi, sebagai pelajar selama kurang lebih lima tahun di negeri singa, gue mo kasi tau ke kalian kalo SMU is NOT the only university that has a lot of CCAs and student activities!! And it is certainly NOT the only university which practices class participation scheme. Yes you can talk about those, coz they -perhaps- reveal the strengths of your so-called american style teaching, but don't talk as if you are the only one inventing it that you should patent it and stuff like that. It certainly turns me off.)

Gue masi menanti2 uni lain, NTU dan NUS, yang sampe saat ini masi belon ketauan hasilnya. Entah mereka dengan susah payah menimang2 hasil gue di politeknik dan kebingungan karna terlalu biasa isinya (yang tebel cuma sertifikat2 dan testimonials yang gak penting menurut kedua perguruan tinggi negeri itu), biasa karna gue bilang nilai akademis kurang memenuhi standar perguruan tinggi mereka. yah gue gak bisa dibilang salah satu dari mahasiswa-i top di temasek sih. nilai gue bener2 biasa banget, bisa kamuflase dengan mahasiswa-i yang laen. paling rata-rata B lah. banyak banget B gue, yang A ato distinctions bisa diitung pake jari. heheh. namun oleh kasih karunia Tuhan gue tau gue bisa masuk. Dan gue ngomong gini karna gue yakin Tuhan yang gue sembah itu bukan Tuhan yang cuek. Dia seperti ayah yang ngerti keinginan anaknya, dan saking sayangnya sang ayah ke si anak, dia gak bakal mampu dan tega mengecewakan hati si anak. Gue aminkan nih....

Banyak temen-temen gue yang bilang, "udahlah louisa...". Gue gak terima dengan kata "udahlah" sampe gue bener2 terima surat itu, sampe gue liat kalo emang bener gue gak dapet salah satu dari kedua perguruan tinggi itu. Kalo ini terjadi, gue gak bakal bersikap kayak anak manja yang nangis ngerengek2 minta mainan yg gak dipenuhi orang tuanya. gua akan bersikap dewasa dan ngikutin apa yang jadi kemauan Tuhan. Toh dia uda baik banget masi mau kasi gue uni yang menurut sudut pandang lokal, cukup baik (meski kurang baik dari sudut pandang gue namun gue akan tetep belajar menerima kenyataan kalo itu tuh yang terbaik di mata Tuhan gue yang gue kasihi dan cintai).


Oh gue kmaren ikut kebaktian padang yrc saturday dan di tengah jalan gue langsung pamit minta pulang. bukan kenapa-kenapa sih, gue gak bisa menikmati acara itu dan gue gak mau gak jadi berkat buat anak2 baru yang gara2 gue mood mereka yang mgkn uda high jadi low lagi. makanya gue balik deh. matahari sih gak panas terik, tapi entah kenapa angin sepoi-sepoi juga gak ada. mana semuanya sama2 berebut minta duduk di terpal, gak cuma tubuh tapi tas dan botol air pun harus kudu masuk terpal. gue bener2 gak bisa tahan sama suasananya. Pengab. Panas. Gak enak. Mana kalo gue liat sekeliling, anak2nya baru2 semua lagi. Gue gak ngerasa ini keluarga gua. gua gak ngerasa kalo gue adalah bagian dari mereka. entah kenapa. mungkin fa ko menthol juga uda banyak perubahan kali ya. tentang multiply fa jadi fa menthol dan fa ivan. tentang anak2 baru yang semuanya liatin gue kayak gue ini alien dari planet seberang. gue ngerasa aneh. gue pulang deh....

Barusan yrc sunday, kita ada rapat tentang acara2 yang akan datang. i'm sooo looking forward to warung sunday, lucu kali yah... hehehe basically kita bakal adain acara, tentatively on 18th may, judulnya "waroeng sunday" (tentative juga). Detail acaranya gak gue reveal di sini kali yah.... hehehehe. terus tadi yang kotbah ps daniel chua. firmannya keren juga, tentang lembah2 kehidupan gitu... heheheh.

abis yrc gue nonton forbidden kingdom ma anak2 FA... kerennn T_T hahahaha bagusss.... oke lah gue suka filem2 cina gitu... demen... bagus dan keren... meski gue tau jalan ceritanya gak masuk akal tapi gue demen ma filem2 cina yang kungfu2.... lol. dan gue demen jet li... oh jet li!!! ngefansnya saya, meski perlu gue bilang kalo jet li perlu lebih belajar inggris lagi... huwahahah.

Yah saya sudahi dulu... sampe jumpaaaa...

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A Child and His Dad

There was this little kid who longed for a toy car. He wanted the car so much that everyday, he would save a bit of his pocket money in order to buy it. There were tonnes of things that happened along the way, like people tried to steal his money or he accidentally lost some of his money over some stupid stuff. It was true that he was very sad when several things happened against him, but he still kept his dream alive. "I am going to own a toy car," he said.

One day, he went to a toy store and greeted by the salesperson.

Salesperson (SP): Good morning kid, anything I can help you with?"
Kid (K) :Yes, I want a toy car.
SP: Oh, sure, we have a lot of ranges, come with me and take a look.

The salesperson took the kid to the toy car section, where he saw a lot of cars, the big ones and the small ones, the ones with remote-controls and the ones without. Also, there are ones with bright, attractive colours, and ones which can transform into a huge masculine robots. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he looked at the heavenly collection.

However, there was this car that caught his attention. It was equipped with a remote-control and had the most complete features ever. The colours were bright with pride and its speed was tested able to dash faster than the rest. He smiled and had a thought. This car was the one that people talked about. It was popular among his friends. He knew that everyone was dying to get this car. Just that - it was very very expensive.

SP: So, any car do you have in mind?
K: Yes. That one.

He pointed to the car of his choice. The salesperson smiled.

SP: Wow, must be a perfect choice.
K: How much does it cost?

The salesperson revealed the price of the toy car, only to get the kid stood in silence.

K: I don't think I can buy that.
SP: May I know how much is your budget, son?
K: This much.

He opened up his wallet and showed a ten dollars bill.

SP: It's five times less than what the car is worth.
K: I know, but I will save up as much as I can and get that car once I have enough money.

SP: Okay, that's a great idea. However, this is the last stock that we have for this car. It's a limited edition. You might have to save up as quickly as possible before we run out of stock. To be safe, do come again before next week. But again, somebody might have already bought it by then.

The kid silenced.

SP: I'm so sorry, kid. But hey, what about this car? Or this? They cost less, but has about the same feature and functionalities as the one of your choice. The one that makes the difference is just the label. You see, the manufacturer is different. The name is different. But everything else is the same.

The salesperson offered the kid with 2 other toy cars. They did look almost the same, but somehow the kid just wanted the car of his choice. He wanted the best. He wanted his car to come from the best manufacturer and all. He did not want imitations. He did not want any other car.

K: Thanks, I think I'll come back next time.

The kid ran back to his dormitory as fast as he could and began to weep. When he reached, he gave it a thought. "Maybe I will just go get the cheaper one. It's impossible for me to come up with fifty dollars within a week." He was rather depressed by his own thoughts but that's the only thing that he could do. It's the most reasonable thing to do, in fact.

The next morning, his daddy suddenly called.

Daddy (D): Hey son, how are you?
Kid (K): I'm fine, Dad, thanks.
D: I reckon that you are trying to save up some money to get a new toy.
K: Yes, a toy car.
D: Wow. Must be pretty challenging. So, have you saved enough?
K: I don't know, dad. I really don't know. There's this car that I liked, but it's too expensive. I think I'm just gonna get the imitation. It's cheaper.
D: Imitation??? My son will never get anything but the best. I will give the best toy car for you.
K: Dad, it's fifty dollars. I only have ten right now, and the stock might run out by next week. I don't think I can afford it.
D: I have the money. K: I know. I know you do. But how are you gonna give me that money? Right now, reality tells me that I have only ten dollars. That's so it.

D: Don't worry, son. I promise you I'll buy you a toy car. And I'll make sure it's the best.
K: Really?
D: Yes, now tell me, have I ever broken promises before?
K: Nah, not that I know off.
D: That's why. Just wait for the best, son. Take care.
K: Thanks. Bye, Dad.

The kid felt extremely ecstatic. He called his dad everyday just to describe the car that he likes.

K: Remember, dad. Do not get the imitation one! Don't be fooled by how similar they look.
D: Yes, yes. You will never get anything but the best.

The next few days, as anticipated by the salesperson, a lot of his well-financed friends got the toy car he wanted. They showed it off and the kid felt envious over what he saw. The kid often visited the toy store and asked whether the toy car was still in stock. If it was, the boy would call up his father and asked him to hurry up and got the car before it was gone.

Over the days his friends would encourage him to just buy the cheaper ones, that he would not have made it, that his dad would forget and all other similar intimidations. The kid stood up quickly on his feet and will loudly say, "My dad will never forget what he has promised. I believe my dad will get the car for me."

This happened everyday.

Until one fine day, when he almost lost his hope, he finally got the car. He was a little 'offended' because his dad took so long just to buy him the toy car.

The dad, in response, said, "Son, actually I have bought you the car long ago when the stock was still adequate. I just want to see how deep a faith you put in me. Now I know that you really believe in me and that you will always trust in me despite the intimidations you might get. Well done, son."

He smiled. The boy came right after his dad and gave his dad a big big hug.

"You are the best dad ever. I love you so much... I will tell my friends that my dad will never forget promises and he knows what is best for me. Thank you, dad."

The kid did what was said.

Louisa's note: Thank you, Father for knowing what I want. I believe in You. I really really do. For faith is a substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of the things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1). I may not see the outcome now, but I believe that You have reserved the best for me. God oh how much I love You....

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hey guys!!

BPERP Mock Test is finally over. I got 89.73%, hahah. Ok la, my class consists of those super people, so that kinda mark was not so great. A lot of people actually scored over 90% and one of them actually obtained full-marks!!! I told ya it's driving me crazy.

Today we had cellgroup and it was cool...!!! We learnt about conversation. And about sharing God's love through praising the Lord and singing psalms and spiritual songs.

On the way back, Andy drove me home. And guess what he drove? A LEXUS CAR!!!! I didn't know, I thought it was a Honda like what Anthony has, but nope, it's a Lexus!!! The seat was super comfortable i tell you. It's such a luxury not everyone can afford. Thanks Andy for the ride!

Yesterday I attended an interview with FC30. They said they gonna call me today which I didn't actually talk to them, okay I did receive a call but i missed it and they didn't call me back after that. Now when I think about it, I didn't know if I wanna work there or not. The thing is, I will be going away to Malaysia on 13th to 15th April to play around with my cellgroup mates, and on the 13th to 14th May I will be helping Ci Lena for her fair in Hougang Mall, and will be away to Riau Islands, Indonesia, on 1st to 7th June for a mission trip. If FC30 hires lots of staff with many spares behind, I don't mind applying for off-days. But Pamela (the boss) told me that they only need 1 counter crew at the moment, which kinda leaves me with no-heart not to work.

Sigh. Another option to choose. Why does everything always have to go through this way??? Options. Options. Options. Sometimes we are spoilt for choices we have had enough of it.

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Life's confession. and confusion.

Hi guys.. its been a long long time since I posted in this blog....

Life's been rather hectic these days, I hardly have a time to go out. Yes, I know its a holiday, but my schedule doesn't seem to be empty.

First, BPERP Certification course.
I am taking this course to be SAP solution's certified consultant. It sounds VERY big, i know, but it's a freaking demanding course can?? The notes are like A4 size with an estimated thickness of about a usual oxford advance dictionary, stacked with an NKJV bible on top. Yes. THAT thick it's driving me nuts. Plus, you have to score a minimum 70% in order to get the cert. If you get a 69%, it means that you are very very very unlucky. The course will end on 4 Apr, and the exam will be on the 11th. Wish me all the best!!!

Second, acting and dancing.
Groove and Substation are just beyond cool. REALLY. Didn't know that performing arts are THAT fun. I met friends like Celine and Pei Li (and Chris!!) who give the energy and make dancing not just fun but be the most thing that I really really love (content is correct at the point of publishing, LOL). Also, Charlene, Jeslyn, Nickson, Soo Kian, and Chris for making acting such a thing I don't fear but enjoy. Thanks!!!

Third, Easter day.
YRC Sunday had this celebration on the Easter day. We came back to the sunday school days where egg-decorating competition was ultimately popular. I was extremely sucky at this, knowing that it has been years since the last time I participated in such competitions. Back then, in my childhood days, I always won those competitions. It's either the second or the third (ok la I admit, i think i never got the first before). Lol. But now I sucked to the point where I didn't wish to submit my egg to the committee for assessment. Hahaha. It's sooooooooo ugly!!! But nonetheless, Jesus is still risen and my life is renewed by the blood of Christ. That's what matters.

Fourth, cellgroup.
My cellgroup is growing more and more, and it seems to have more unity this time. It's like now every service, my cellmates will be sitting together. We had an outing last week and it was rather cool. I am praying hard so that everything would turn out just fine.

Fifth, university.
I was shortlisted for an interview for School of Information Systems in SMU. Wish me all the best!! REALLY!!!!
But if you ask me to choose, I would LOVE to go to NUS. Why? Coz that's the only uni in which I went for its open house. Lol. Maybe if I went for NTU's I would be interested too, but I didn't.

Sixth, DBS FEP
Okay, LISTEN everyone!! I was called by DBS HR and they wanted me to undergo an 18 months training with them called Financial Executive Programme, in which they will groom me to be the next Personal Financial Manager and eventually be a Relationship Manager in their Treasures. During that 18 months, I would be paid a monthly salary, and I am entitled for employee benefits such as DBS Shares ownership scheme, financial support for my part-time degree, and so on and so forth. I am majorly confused, coz it's attractive (i dont have to worry about my career, knowing how stable DBS is). And people, it's DBS!!!! HELLO!!!! The largest bank in Singapore, and one of the largest financial services groups in Asia!!!

All this while I always listen to God's voice about university, and now here it is, the excellent career opportunity arrives in front of my eyes. And the worst thing is, I am considering it. As in, I started to question things like "maybe this is God's way...". Like, what on earth do you want, Louisa??? All this while I always say that I believe in miracle, I am seeing with the eyes of faith that I would be in a university. But now, I started to question my faith by saying, "if am not accepted to any of those unis, I am going for this." So now I'm relying on the decision whether or not I am accepted, while previously I am so very sure that I WILL be accepted, no matter how low my GPA is, coz I have a supernatural God, who will perform a miracle in the least way I expect.

I WILL BE, right God????? I should turn DBS down, right??? I should believe in YOU that I will get into Uni right?????? OH NO, I am soooooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dad told me to go for it, the same way as my friends advised me. They said that if DBS is willing to provide a financial assistance for me pursuing a part time degree, why not? I will still get my degree, afterall. But listen, everyone. I dont want to go for a part time degree!! Dont you get what kind of person I am??? I am the kind of student who support school spirit. To me, going to school is beyond studying. It's networking. It's making friends. It's gaining experiences. It's joining CCAs. It's developing skills in a more forgiving environment. It's having fun. I don't care only about whether I get a degree. I care for all of those. That's why I don't like private institutions, not because they are bad, but because they don't offer you all those!!

What am I gonna do now????? ~____~

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Brainless post.

Okay, Exam is officially ended. YAYness. (learnt this word from Tirza)

Just when I'm about to enjoy life, here comes the sucky part: i have no $$ to spend! How nice. Holiday without dollars, equals to boredom. Why? Becoz all I can do is to stay at home.

My church encourages us all to fast for the upcoming bible camp. They want us to fast the Daniel way, consume only food that will not satisfy our flesh. But how to fast Daniel way when I only have instant noodles to eat????

Anyway, yesterday after paper went for overseas further studies counselling in school, turned out that the councillor is Ms. Boey!!!! MWahahaha!! I didn't know!!! I was like.. i wrote in so formal for what sia...... I can just call her anytime.. Lol. Btw she's my CCA advisor last year and she was the one who wrote me a testimonial....

Then after that I went gymming, thanks to Eric. He made the entire work out tiring but rather fun. But yeah, I know I am weak so what!!?? I couldn't lift up the whatever thing coz of muscle cramp... not my fault right?

The next day I woke up at 2 pm (HAHAHA what a luxury). My cell leader called and told me that today we have no cell meeting, just when Iggy told me that tonight our class has no BBQ. So basically, I have NOTHING TO DO TONIGHT!!! So since i have no money to go out, i have decided to stay at home tonight, doing housework. So yep, I cleaned the entire house (after being so much abandoned due to my busy revision schedule). I swept the floor, mopped the floor, did the laundry, dried the clothes, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, ironed clothes, bla bla bla. TIRED!! But well, my house is pretty clean now. Thanks to the time I have now.

anjfksbijweokqldascmxnchbfgreuiowpla BYE

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The Complete Idiot's Guide to ERP

Well.. I have not been very productive these few days during the study week, so I've come up with a new way to study - THROUGH MY BLOG!!


Anyway, shall we start?? :D

You may be thinking that ERP equals to Electronic Road Pricing, those evil thing you will see on the road when you are about to enter the expressway. No no no, that's not what I'm talking about. In fact, ERP here is way far from evil. It's somewhat angelic in nature. The saviour for most businesses, which helps them a lot towards achieving their long term goal. Yep. It's called Enterprise Resource Planning System.

What the heck is Enterprise Resource Planning System???
According to Deloitte Consulting, it is a packaged business software system that allows a company to automate and integrate business processes, share common data and practices across the enterprise, and produce and access information in a real-time environment.

According to me, ERP system is just a system that an enterprise use, in order to maximise and plan their resources. True? Hey, it isn't called Enterprise Resource Planning system for no reason, right? Hahahah. The resources I'm talking about here constitute to many things, like their manpower, finances, R&D, sales and distribution processes, production planning, and supply chain. They are stuff you own and use, which is why called resources.

How it helps in planning the resources is another story. Basically, ERP is like a common language that everybody uses, which helps greatly in integrating business processes. When all processes are integrated, it results in having common practices and common format for documents (so it makes sense to everyone). ERP also means an existence of a shared database, and with such, timely information can be produced for better decision making.

Sales and Distribution Processes? How do you own such a thing?
Well, businesses have their own sales and distribution processes, but most of them are completely similar to one another. Like, say, first, a customer will be triggered to browse through to your shop, look at what you offer, explain to the salesperson on what are the things he needs, then the salesperson will check if the shop has the stuff he wants, if yes, then he will deliver the stuff to the customer, then he will make his way to the cashier and pay. You OWN the process. It's yours. People can't anyhow buy your things. They can't have the goods delivered to their hands, then the salesperson will check the inventory, then they pay, then they explain the things they want to the salesperson, then they will walk to the store and see what the shop has. NO. Most businesses just don't go that way.

Of course, there are businesses that have a unique sales and distribution process. Look at eBay. The seller post their goods on the portal, state the closing date for bidding, customers will browse through the shop, find the thing they need, they bid, eBay will close the bidding on the closing date, the seller will see who's the winning bidder, then the one who bids the highest price will get the good. After this comes the delivery and payment processes, which differ for every seller. This is eBay's sales and distribution process.

However, most businesses use the old-school 'Pre Sales --> Sales Order Processing --> Inventory Sourcing --> Delivery --> Billing --> Payment' because it's simply the best way to perform a sales process. It is used by most enterprises and is proven successful. This is called best practices. I'm not saying that eBay isn't good, it's just unique.

ERP of course offers businesses with the best practices. But if you wanna be unique like eBay, but also wanna have an ERP system to integrate your business processes across your enterprise, not to worry, because most ERP system is build to have an open architecture, which means, you can mix and match, people.... You can CUSTOMISE the system to suit your own. HURRAY!!

to be continued...

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Leap Of Faith

Artist: Michelle Branch

One last call to answer
feeling full of despair
don't think I can get through it
just one last prayer

*And it's a leap of faith
when you believe there's someone out there
it's a leap of faith
when you believe that someone cares, oh
and when I call out to you,
will you be right there, right there

Searching for the answer
nobody seems to care
And now I wish that you were here, beside me
to wipe away my tears


Waiting for the answer
remembering times we would share
somehow I feel that you are here beside me
even though you're not there.


And I'll be waiting by the window
for your smile to come through
and I'll be waiting in the darkness
when I call out to you
and I'll remember when you told me,
I could trust in you

**And it's a leap of faith
when I believe that you are out there
it's a leap of faith
when I believe you truly care, oh
and when I call out to you
Will you be right there, right there

and it's a leap of faith


'Nuff said.

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Valentine's Day

Oh, whatever.

I watched Jumper with my group plus gloria minus dodi.

But yeah, whatever.

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Thirteen Feb.

Today, there are 3 people who need to be taken out of my sight:

Stupid seetoh, for not defending us during the final.
Stupid kelvin, for shooting us like there's no tomorrow.
Stupid justin, for keep on criticizing people's business attire, for thinking that he's bloody handsome (he literally said that he thinks he's the best looking guy in class, like OH MY GOODIE BAG!! His head is ballooning), for criticizing my vista, and for saying lots of unnecessary stuff like who sleeps with who (oh im so interested im gonna snore! -__-"||).


And for those asking how's my MP final, here's the answer: WE SCREWED! BIG TIME!!!

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I am the Caring Confidant kinda Friend

Take this test!
My Result: Caring Confidant

No doubt about it — you're the sweetheart of your crew. Always looking out for your friends, you know that they've got your back too. Loving and loyal, you see no difference between friends and family, which is why people always feel comfortable coming to you when things aren't going their way. They know you'll be there.

You're always willing to put yourself in other people's shoes, a trait that helps you understand where people are coming from. This is what makes your friends trust your judgment and advice — they know you'll love them no matter what happens. And that's what friends are for.

I just did a personality test on, and this is my result. It says that I am the supportive friend..... Well. it's kinda true as A LOT of my friends actually come to me if they ever need an ear. I don't know why, because most of the time I find that I am stucked and can't really give them the advices that they need, even if I have, most of them aren't really the good ones.

But still, they come to me. Which left me wondering why. Not that I don't like it, but i believe that friendship should be a two-way thing. When I'm in my utmost down position, tell me who can I come to and confide in? Is listening to people's problems that hard???? Is putting aside time for people really impossible??? I know I can do it most of the time. But certainly not all my friends can.

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MP31 literally cried on Major Project Final Submission Day

The title so good ah? HAAHA . REALLY.

Today was the D-day. We finally submitted our MP Technical Documentation and WAAAHH I was sooooooooooo relieved. But too bad, we have the stupid PracTech problem 2 so we can't really have fun yet. The four of us - Shana, Shahirah, Justin, and I did not sleep for the entire night, went to school with the leftover energy that we had, printed leftover stuff, burnt all copies to CD for our softcopy submission, printed the stupid poster I did for my Project Showcase, and so on and so forth. We came to school rather early, but submitted late still. Poor thing.

After submission, we went to the library and watched Helen the Baby Fox. A Jap movie (based on true story) abt this young boy who found a deaf, blind, and mute baby fox and named it Helen (after Helen Keller). The boy showed love and care towards this little fox, taught her lots of things like wind, water, seabreeze, etc... became the "little Sullivan" towards this fox, and apparently acted as her "mother".

The love that the boy gave to the fox was remarkable, over-touching, and beyond-the-ordinary. Even when the baby fox was gonna die, the boy still made sure that it died well. I mean, make sure that she died happy. Lol. TOUCHING!!

It was soooo so sad that my three friends cried. YES! With tears!! In school!! I was there looking at them cried i didnt know what to do, like whether I should act sad or whether I should just be myself and laugh at them. LOL! And I chose the latter. WAKAKAKAK. Okay I know I'm evil.

It was a sad show and it was clearly written on the box cover that if you dont cry after watching, you totally have no soul (-_-")

I didn't cry. AT ALL. Does that mean I have no soul???

I CRIED watching one litre of tears okay!!

I have emotions too. Just that the show did not move me THAT much? I dont know, maybe because they were not really real and I couldnt relate it to my own life, even though it mightbe based on a true story? Replace the baby fox with a human being, I WOULD DEFINITELY CRY! Really!

And seeing a guy cried over a touching movie was just so unexpected. Okay I saw my brother cried watching one litre of tears too but i didnt really give a damn.

Not becoz I didnt care, but BECOZ I WAS ALSO THERE CRYING. HAHAH.

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Projects are killers.

My grave is five miles away.
I am reaching it, soon enough.

So many things to do, so little time.


And photoshop... OH I AM SICK OF PHOTOSHOP CAN!!

God, please give me 30 hours a day.



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Take me back to my old community :)

I finally went out with ex- GCC main committee for daisy's farewell to Australia. That was so fun!! VERY FUN!

I reached home at 3:15 AM, thanks to Ron for driving so I didn't have to waste my bux on cab fares.

There were lots of funny incidents that happened, I am too lazy to reveal them here. Anyways. We went to Marina South for steamboat, only to find that the steamboat places were all gone. Dead town. Evacuated, like silent hill. Serious.

So we went to vivocity for Marche. Then spent the time eating funny stuff and having carrot + orange juice - thanks to me for suggesting. I couldn't help but to loooove the colour. Ronald told us its a Super Ring Juice (super ring snacks that has that kinda orange colour, lol).

There were 8 of us -- Daisy, Ronald, April, Jesher, Jane, Ye Tun, Terence, and I. Fun fun!!! Even though we kinda regret that Peilin, Isaiah, and Stephie were unable to join us.

Next we went to Clarke Quay to chill. We went to cafe Iguana and had some Margarita and Nachos. The nachos was damn euuuww... the first time we looked at it. It tasted funny too but not bad, overall. We couldn't drink too much coz Ron was driving, so we were kinda being considerate towards him (actually we just didn't wanna die yet as he's giving a lift to EVERYONE. So we just wanna reach home safely. Hahahah).

We played truth or dare and lots of secrets revealed. Hahaha. Went home very late, next day need to wake up early for service.... Shagged, but satisfied.

I love you guys.

Below are some pictures:


Can you see a little crab there? Lol!!!

(Okay obviously the drink was my choice coz I simply love the colour!!)


This is what Cafe Iguana calls NACHOS ~___~"
Somehow, it looks like salad to us...

Go, Ronald!!! Go!!! Lol.

Margarita Toast!!

In front of Clarke Quay. At dawn.

Its just us........

Alright thats all, folks. Again, I love my old circle of friends!!! Hahahaha.

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Admit it.

So you wanna avoid me forever huh? Fine!

How was it like today? Didn't you realise that today I totally did not address a single word to you?? Not even one question??? Compare today with yesterday and the day before and the day before that.

I was too tired of you answering me coldly. I was to tired to mend everything and start everything all over again (and yes, end it differently, idiot!) without you being cooperative enough. I was too tired of you being a JERK.

What do you think I am doing??? I just wanna be your friend, and yet, this is how you treat me back. And you know what? I understand your standpoint, trust me. I've been in your situation too, the exact same situation (okay, maybe not. but similar).

I did tell you before I was close to a guy, didn't I? And I told you that between me and him, there's something that I don't feel right. He's not the guy I'm looking for. I can blabber all reasons why in this post, but I don't think that's necessary. The thing is, I did not have anything for him, not a feeling.

And yes, like you, I played his game. I showed him concerns and made him believe that I liked him back. When knowing this, I was like, oh my goodness. What am I supposed to do to tell him that I actually have nothing towards him? I had no choice but to continue showering him with care like what I had done all along. I always thought of ditching him but I did not have the heart to. I felt that I was the evil one if I just ditch him like that. The thing is, I had made him believe that I like him, it's too hurting to reveal the truth.

Sounds familiar?

However, unlike you, I had no other guys that I liked at that point of time.

Now, let's talk about the second assumption. The situation was a bit different from you, but the thing is, I was using him. As you have known before, my primary love language was act of service. Well, he owns a car and he always gave me a ride.

Can you guess the rest of the story?

But I ditched him in the end. And yes, until now, we do not talk. I always avoid him. But his case is different from my case because, he made no effort in mending the friendship. Whereas I did. To no avail, unfortunately.

I understand it just feels different and we can never talk like the way we used to be. But can you just admit it? Can you just stop hiding from the fact? Can you just stop lying to yourself??? It's clear that we are not acting NORMAL. We are FAR from normal. The way you talk to me was not the way you talked to me the first time we met. I remembered it correctly in Mac Bras Basah, our first MP meeting, we have already JOKED!! And we almost shared a cab!! Compared to now, we do not even talk to each other properly. Admit it, idiot.

I understand it just feels awkward. There's a huge gap between us. That's why I'm trying to build a bridge. But you, being at the other end, show me no support. Don't you wanna be friends? Do you enjoy the deafening silence? I shall stop building then. I'm too tired of doing things myself.

But one thing for sure, I now know that you are a total waste of my time and does not worth going after. I do not expect anything from you. So, don't be afraid of me. Just be yourself lah! I know I make you laugh, I know you wanna talk to me, I know you miss being my friend............... Just admit it.

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Forgetting you

I wanna forget about you,
forget about what has happened.

I wanna forget the hurtful process,
the pain that's terribly affect my soul.

I wanna forget the heartache,
and dozens of healing pills consumed.

I wanna begin everything again from the start,
and end it differently.

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Is it wrong?

I was in Town on Saturday night and on the way home, my iPod played me this song called Salahkah, by Tompi.

At first I wasn't really paying attention on the lyrics, but when I finally did, I realised that it was a very emo one. I will translate the lyrics into English for the sake of the non-Indonesian speaking readers.

Tompi - Salahkah

(click on the imeem above to listen to the song)

Salahkah bila ku mendua
Salahkah bila rasa itu ada
Dan aku tak lagi merasa engkau ada
Dan cintaku seolah jenuh akan hatimu

Kasih tinggalkanlah diriku tuk selamanya
Biarkan ku sendiri
Cukup bagi diriku melukai hatimu
Kasih tinggalkanlah diriku tuk selamanya
Biarkan aku
Mungkin kau akan bahagia dengan dia, yang lain

Tak perlu kau memohon untuk kembali
Tak perlu kau memohon cintaku
Tiada lagi ruang di hatiku
Yg tersisa untukmu

Repeat reff

Sungguh ku pun tak bisa
Untuk tetap mencintaimu
Sungguh ku takkan bisa
Untuk selalu menyayangimu

Sungguh ku tak bisa
Untuk tetap mencintaimu selamanya
Pergilah kasih tinggalkan aku

English Translation:

Tompi - Is It Wrong

Is it wrong if I like her
Is it wrong if there's a feeling
And I feel that you're no longer there
And my love loses excitement to your heart

Love, please let go of me forever
Leave me alone
Enough for me to hurt you
Love, please let go of me forever
Care not about me
Perhaps you'll be better of with a different man

You need not plead me to come back
Need not ask for my love
There's no more room in my heart
That's left for you

Repeat chorus

I really can't hold on to love you
I really am unable to always adore you
I can't love you forever
Go, my love. Leave me.

Okay let me explain. I am not focusing on what the song says because to me it was wrong. You ask me is it wrong, to me yes, it is!

My pastor taught us on the value of keeping our integrity and no more compromises. Firstly, relationship is about commitment, and why the heck did you compromise until you have feelings for another woman??? Correct me if i'm wrong, but things will not go until like what the song says unless you allow yourself to get interested with her even further after you realised that sparkles start to occur. True? If only you did not compromise. If only you control yourself. If only.

And what about integrity? Dude, you have a girlfriend already, you sure have told her directly or indirectly that "I want to be with you". That what makes you a couple! How can you say to her to leave you forever???? And do you know how hard it is for her to do so? And how hurting it is for her that you told her to let go of you because you don't want her anymore????

Okay, enough of me getting angry to Tompi. It's not his fault anyway, he's just a singer. It may not be his choice to sing this song either. But people, I learnt the values of integrity, commitment, determination and motivation. Well, fortunately or unfortunately, relationship involves all these. It's not always at all rosy. No more compromises, please.

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New Year, New Me


Okay, this is not going to be a happy post but a rather emo one. If you hate emotions and bitterness, then stop reading from this point onwards.

Well. This new year as I reflect back to what I have done in the year 2007, especially to what has recently happened, I finally learnt something the hard way: Do not be too nice to people.

I am too naive I was always afraid to hurt people. Guess whats the result? I got hurt.

I built a freaking wall to protect myself ever since I entered Poly, and in the year 2007 when I was determined to destroy the wall, I was cut deep.

The year 2008, I am not going to build another wall. Instead, I will equip myself with weapons in order to protect myself.

But dont worry, I would still be open to people. However, once Im attacked by some morons, do not think I will just give in like that. I have got weapons. I am no longer the Louisa you know.

And to you: please note that you are an idiot. i dont care how you gonna live your life, and dont come to me once you are broken. and i bet you will be broken, eventually. by the time it happens, I am no longer willing to be there for you. And dont try to symphatize with me coz you are the one whom you should feel sorry for. And again if you didn't catch the previous one, you are an idiot.

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