Homecooked food.

I finally gave up eating at the hawker centre near my flat and whipped up some meat and chicken seaweed porridge.

No, I purposely wanted porridge. It wasn't because of failed rice. I know how to cook rice and right now, I just wanted some nice hot porridge. Secondly, with porridge, I could cook in 'bulk' and save up for later without it turning ugly, unlike rice.

Hello Louisa's homecooked food. It's been so long since we last met in Somerset! :)

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Baju Kembar

kadang gw sebel kalo mesti pake baju kembaran. as in, pake baju kembaran berduaan sama anak cewek lain. misalnya nih, mama gw beliin baju kembaran buat cici gw dan gw, untuk dipake pas natal. gw sebel. gw malu. knapa? karna menurut gw, baju kembaran itu cuma buat anak kecil, dan gue uda bukan anak kecil lagi.

tapi gimana kalo situasinya kayak gini:

lu punya temen maen 5 orang (jadi sama lu 6 orang). terus mereka ngajak lu jalan2 keluar bareng ke mall ato ke mana lah... terus pas lu ketemu sama mereka, ternyata kelima2 temen lu semua pake T-shirt yang sama. lu doang yang beda. parahnya lagi, lu sama sekali ga punya t-shirt itu. terus lu tanya, "koq pada pake kembaran?" dan mereka jawab, "iya soalnya kmaren pas kita lagi pegi shopping lu ga ada" duh. obvious banget gw ga ada, makanya gw ga punya. misalnya hal itu terjadi sama lu, apa yang bakal lu rasain?

terus terang, kalo gue, gue akan ngerasa left out. gue akan ngerasa gw bukan bagian dari mereka, padahal tiap hari di kampus selalu main sama mereka. mnurut gw gapapa sih mereka beli baju samaan dan gue ga punya, secara gw emang ga mau buang2 duit buat beli baju yang gw ga suka. tapi kenapa? kenapa mesti pake baju kembaran padahal mereka semua tau kalo gue ga punya bajunya? gw bakal ngerasa gw salah kostum, gw bakal ngerasa gw nyamukin mereka, gw akan ngerasa gw kayak filem2 high school hollywood yang nyeritain tentang kehidupan seorang cewek biasa2 yang pengen masuk ke dalam group cewek2 populer di sekolahnya. itu yang gue rasain. awkward. malu. not included. outsider.

i know mungkin gw lebay ato apa lah. terserah. but i know i am not the only one who feels the same. i believe if you ask people, there are some girls who also feel this way. cobain deh sendiri.

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25 Random Questions Tag & 20 Questions Tag

1. Do you have any pets?

Not in Singapore but I have 50 fishes in Jakarta and we keep them in a fish pond with its cute little waterfall.

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
Apart from my computer stuff like mouse and all, I have beside me my scented candle (currently burning "Welcome Christmas" by Yankee Candle), my nail polishes (because I just painted my nails), and my water bottle (so that I don't forget to drink!)

3. What's the weather like right now?
It doesn't seem to rain so it should be windy since it is at night.

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
No I don't drive. Not even in Jakarta. Why? Because I moved to Singapore when I was 14, and everybody knows if you live in Singapore you don't even need a car. Secondly, in Indonesia, the legal age to drive is 17 so when I turned 17, I practically have had no time until now to go for driving lessons and practice driving myself because whenever I go back it would be only for approximately 2 weeks long. You know you won't be able to drive in Jakarta if you don't practice, even after you've got your license for years.

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
9:30 am

6. When was the last time you showered?
a few hours ago. I don't recall the time I shower but it shouldn't be too long ago.

7. What was the last movie you saw?
That would be Tron.

8. What does your last text message say?
It says, "kawan gue cabut dulu ya, mpe jumpa bbrp bln lg!"

9. What's your ringtone?
My phone vibrates. Lol. It doesn't ring.

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes. I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia and currently I'm studying in Singapore so that's one. Apart from that I've been to Malaysia (JB, KL, Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, Malacca), Taiwan (Taichung and Taipei), and China (Hangzhou and Puyang). I have transited in a few places in China like Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, but I didn't quite walk around the place and only stayed in the airport for hours simply because I was afraid to get lost (I was in Chengdu for 5 hours!). My next destination would probably be Korea (I am currently praying for God to give me the opportunity!)

11. Do you like sushi?
Sushi is probably the only Japanese food that I really really like. I eat Japanese food like Ramen, Takoyaki, etc but I don't really crave for them or love the very much to death. However, Sushi is probably the only thing that can get me really really excited.

12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Local grocery stores that I pass by, like Carrefour or Fairprice.

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Nope. I normally don't get any trouble sleeping, unless I am super excited over something.

14. How many siblings do you have?
Two. One elder sister and one elder brother.

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
In Singapore I only own a laptop. In Jakarta? My current laptop and we have two shared computers which nobody uses.

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Twenty three.

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Both. It depends on my mood.

18. Do you color your hair?
I used to color it purplish red. It grew and so I colored it purplish black and it grew again and it looked pretty ugly cos when it was short I straightened them (so it looked like the roots were rather wavy but the ends were straight). Then I chopped them short so the color now is my natural color. I am probably thinking of coloring my hair again.

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Doing homework.

20. When was the last time you cried?
Totally no idea.

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Pepperoni and Mozzarella Cheese

22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Of course, when I was busy with school work, all-nighter is my only choice.

24. What is your eye color?
Dark brown almost black.

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Not really. A lot of people say they taste different but to me they are all the same.

Now move on to the 20 Questions!

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without
My keys!

2.Favorite brand of makeup
I would probably opt for Hues Cosmetics. They are amazing with prompt shipping and great customer service!

3.Favorite Flowers

4.Fav clothing stores
Random stores in some malls in Jakarta! Lol. I don't really shop for clothes anymore cos I have had way too many. But I like to shop at Bugis Street and Far East Plaza.

5.Fav perfume
It has to be Rose by Paul Smith for now.

6.Heels or flats
I love heels because they make me look taller. If only heels are more comfortable. :(

7.Do you make good grades?
I used to make good grades since I was 3 up to when I was 19. After that I went to college and my grades went down drastically and they have never been up since :(

8.Fav colors
Pastel Pink, Bright Orange, Navy Blue, Maroon Red, Lime Green, Neon Yellow.

9.Do you drink energy drinks?
You mean Redbull? I do drink them but not on a regular basis and most of the time I got them for free. (It's good to be an SMU student!!)

10.Do you drink juice?
Yes! And I drink juice straight from the fruit itself. I don't buy those juice cartons from the supermarkets.

11.Do you like swimming?
I can swim but it's been months since the last time I swam.

12.Do you eat fries with a fork?
It depends. If you're talking about McDonald's fries, I prefer to use my fingers. But the cheesy fries at KFC? Give me that fork, baby.

13.Whats your fav moisturizer?
Face moisturizer would have to be the one from Mustika Ratu. For body moisturizer I'm currently using Body Shop's Olive Body Butter and it's amazing.

14.Do you want to get married later on in life?
No. I wanna get married as soon as possible!

15.Do you get mad easily?
If I'm in a not so good mood, it's easier for me to get mad. So it depends.

16.Are you into ghost hunting?
What? No. Of course not. I'd rather be God-hunting. Not that I wanna hunt God down or something. What I meant was like going around looking for the presence of God.

17.Any phobias?
Cuts and bruises. I have some irks for blood too.

18.Do you bite your nails?
Yes!!! That kinda sucks because it ruins my painted nails!

19.Have you ever had a near death experience?
One taxi nearly banged into me when I was crossing the road. Not that I was jaywalking. The light for pedestrians was green for goodness' sake but the taxi driver was sort of day dreaming while driving so he didn't see that the traffic light for cars was red and he was supposed to stop. I could hear the brake and the taxi stopped like less than five centimeters before me. I swear if he didn't brake earlier I would have already crashed. And worse thing of all? He didn't even apologize.

20.Do you drink coffee?
Yes I do. I'm a "social coffee drinker". Coffee tastes good but I hate how it makes my breath kinda stinks.

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New Year Resolution

I think it's time for me to get serious with my resolution but at the same time, I am pretty skeptical that it will be successful. So what I will do is to keep this resolution last for only 3 months, and do my own evaluation in end of March 2011. In April, I will make a new resolution and so on. Hopefully I will achieve better this time. So here they are (I try to keep them as reasonable as possible):

1) Drink more water, like at least 2.5 litre a day. Sodas, and coffee NOT included. Not even tea.
I'm not saying that I can't drink soda or anything, but if I ever drink them, I will still make sure that my PLAIN WATER intake will reach 2.5 litre a day. So I will always carry a water bottle with me (500 ml) and make sure that in a day, I get to refill them 4 times. I will keep this resolution off my list only when it has become a habit that I can't even take them off my daily routines.

Drinking plenty of water will really help in your overall wellbeing. I notice that when I drink a lot, I will pee a lot, which means more toxins are going to be released out from my body. Also, I noticed that ever since I started drinking a lot, I NEVER get any ulcers. Even when I bite my own lips or tongue when I eat, the ulcer will just go away in... 2 hours? Or is it shorter than that? I'm super serious. I don't remember what it's like to get ulcers anymore, thanks to my water. And of course, I get a lot more benefits those experts mention about drinking plenty of water.

But this hasn't grown attached to me, as in, I don't really drink that much regularly, which means sometimes I forgot my water bottle and can't be bothered to purchase a bottled water, so I will still keep this in my resolution.

2) Grow my hair!

3) Get an internship

Ok that's all for march. Super easy resolution huh?

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When I see your face or your pictures with your girl, I don't know why it hurts so much. No. This is insane. This can't be happening.

you look awfully similar to my boy.

Maybe that's why.

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