New Year Resolution
I think it's time for me to get serious with my resolution but at the same time, I am pretty skeptical that it will be successful. So what I will do is to keep this resolution last for only 3 months, and do my own evaluation in end of March 2011. In April, I will make a new resolution and so on. Hopefully I will achieve better this time. So here they are (I try to keep them as reasonable as possible):
1) Drink more water, like at least 2.5 litre a day. Sodas, and coffee NOT included. Not even tea.
I'm not saying that I can't drink soda or anything, but if I ever drink them, I will still make sure that my PLAIN WATER intake will reach 2.5 litre a day. So I will always carry a water bottle with me (500 ml) and make sure that in a day, I get to refill them 4 times. I will keep this resolution off my list only when it has become a habit that I can't even take them off my daily routines.
Drinking plenty of water will really help in your overall wellbeing. I notice that when I drink a lot, I will pee a lot, which means more toxins are going to be released out from my body. Also, I noticed that ever since I started drinking a lot, I NEVER get any ulcers. Even when I bite my own lips or tongue when I eat, the ulcer will just go away in... 2 hours? Or is it shorter than that? I'm super serious. I don't remember what it's like to get ulcers anymore, thanks to my water. And of course, I get a lot more benefits those experts mention about drinking plenty of water.
But this hasn't grown attached to me, as in, I don't really drink that much regularly, which means sometimes I forgot my water bottle and can't be bothered to purchase a bottled water, so I will still keep this in my resolution.
2) Grow my hair!
3) Get an internship
Ok that's all for march. Super easy resolution huh?
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