... What a joy-less day ...

Ok. So I applied for Tuition grant. Went to the webby and filled in the form.. And guess what? I entered my matric card number wrongly! I typed down my matric card's barcode, not my admission number. Bloody hell. I know this is stupid but I didn't know that "matric card number" is actually "admission number". Argh!! When I signed up for TP debates, I wrote down the barcode number and they were pretty cool about that. Hence I am confidently thought that matric card number is the barcode number...

Ok, so I know my application is going to fail. They said last Monday and Tuesday (20-21 June) were the dates the government opens the application again for those who failed to apply. I went down to the office on Monday to check whether my name was on the list of those failures and, surprisingly, my name was not there! I told the 'miss' in the office about the matric card number and stuff and she said I better apply again to avoid unwanted things to happen next.

On that same Monday, I had a TPIU meeting till late. I reached home 1 hour before midnight and was too freakin tired. I was completely forgot about the application. On Tue, same thing happen. I didn't remember to re-apply for the TGD as that day was the opening of AOYC and I was just too excited. Again, I reached home very late and was overly tired and sleepy.

Early in the morning on the next day, which is today, I just realised about the tuition grant thingy. My face had gone pale as I knew that there is no more chance for me to re-apply. I didn't know what to do. I took the bus and met Syl and we went together to the office to ask. The person was not really sure about my problem. She said if I couldn't find my name on the list, then probably my application was successful. But she was still not sure! I prayed and prayed, hoping that God will give me a little favour over this thing.

Went home in the afternoon and told my brother online about this, thinking that perhaps my family could help, but only to find myself being nagged and blamed. Stupid bro! I was too stressed out by the overloaded projects, the homework, the night dismissal almost everyday, the "failed" tuition grant, the AOYC report I have to submit, the essay I have to do which is almost due, and so on and so forth.. Now I find myself being blamed because of my cluelessness about the matric card number?? Gimme a break!! He said that I should memorise the matric card number by heart. Gosh! Wasn't he paying attention when I explained to him?? It Wasn't that I didn't remember my matric card number, it was becoz I didn't know that matric card number is actually admission number! Another thing, he blamed me of not writing it down in my agenda. Hello.. Does he think that I have my pen and my agenda with me whenever I travelled around the school? What does he think I am? A journalist? A reporter?? Sigh.. He expected me to be active in school, that is why I go home late almost everyday, which causes me to forget about the application. I am still a human being. Not a computer! It is still within boundaries to forget things, rite? >.< I was too pissed by my bro and asked him to shut up and stop lecturing me. and i shouted (u noe, by using a lot of exclamation marks <"!">). I know it's a bit rude, but I just need the break. And, guess what.. (just being frank) I am crying.. Yes, rite now! I just cant take it anymore! Why everyone keeps on mocking me over things like this? The AOYC report, the undone projects, and the unnecessary nags . . . I just have it enough!!

Hayaz.. These few days I have lost the joy He gave me. Goddd.. Help me pleaseeee!! I need u desperately... >.< Only You can understand me, Father.. Forgive me for being rude to my bro..I just need the peace, the joy, the content surroundings when You are here... Draw me near.. Jesusss.. HELPPPP!!! ~_~

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The meanings of names

Today I went to the Temasek Polytechnic International Students (TPIS) Annual General Meeting (AGM). Due to the cancellation of IISO lessons this week, I was dismissed at 1pm. And guess what? The meeting started at 6pm! Oh no! Should I stay back for 5 long hours in the campus?? No way! But I had no choice. I was meeting Wasis at 4pm, btw. Hence, no point of going back home.. rite? Anyway I had my CMSK research with me, so I did the essay outline and printed it during the waiting hours.

Err.. Who did you say you were meeting just now? Wasis? What a weird name. LOL. Well, I won't say such a thing la, coz I am not that mean.. HAHA. But yes.. I should admit that actually his name is quite.. er... unique? as people can mispronounce it as "wasit" (indonesian term for referee), "wasir" (ambeien), or anything else.. LOL. But hey, don't judge people by his name, can? You don't know whether the person is good or evil only by his name.. or perhaps whether the person is good looking or bad looking.. You won't know! People say your name reflects your personality, but I don't really think so! Let me give you some examples. 'Claudia' means limping. So if your name is Claudia, does it mean that you are limping?? 'Christina' means Christ's follower, or simply, Christian. So if someone is named Christina, can you be sure that she is a Christian? I don't really see a point of the meaning of names, although it is fun to find out the meaning behind your name. And oh, for your additional information, 'Louisa' means heroine. Not HEROIN, but HEROINE. I hope you can distinguish between the two. "Heroin" means a powerful and illegal drug made from morphine (definition taken from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English), whereas "heroine" means simply a female warrior. Got the difference? LOL. So, what's the meaning behind your very own name? ;)

Ok. Back to the main point. TPIS AGM was quite a fun. I got a chance to meet other Indonesian friends in TP. Quite a number of them are freshies, perhaps I can ask them to come for the Indo-Freshmen Nite on August? LOL. OK. Seems I have nothing else to talk about. I believe you won't like it if I talk about the meeting on and on rite? It would be borrrriiiinnngg! Hehe. Ok I guess I'll see u next time. Bubbye and GBU!

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Channel 5, please!

Hellowww.... When was the last time I updated this blog? 1st of June? LOL... *checking the calendars now*... OH NO! It's already the 10th! Am I on a way that leads me to an inconsistency? LOL. Well.. if u are a jobless person that has nothing better to do but looking at my crappy blog carefully, u sure notice that at the beginning I started this blog, I updated it every single day! But what happens now? Mmm well, the lazy piggy has risen! HA HA! =P

School is getting better and better with lots of fun activities to attend. There are nice people around even though some of the TP population are kinda bengs and lians... Haha nevermind. Anyway, do you guys know why I can survive here in TP? Well, make a guess! You are incorrect if you say that the subjects I am currently taking are easy. You are a big WRONG if you think that there are a lot of Indonesians here. In fact, in BIT course alone, I only met 1 Indonesian, and he is my senior!! That tells you how rare Indonesians here... U are half correct if your answer is that TP students are friendly. So, what makes me survive here??

Well, simply becoz... All my classmates speak English to one another!! LOL. Some of you may go "huh?", but I tell u, it is a joy when all of them speak in channel 5. I have encountered the uneasiness of being a deaf goat in the middle of my Chinese friends speaking in channel 8. Don't ask me to go and learn Chinese, coz I have done it! I am a Chinese and I didn't say that I don't understand Chinese at all. Well, I just don't use it often, hence, every information that was stored in my brain has gone somewhere else I don't even bother to find out. Seriously, you have to try it yourself. How do u feel when everyone around you laugh so happily at things that they think are funny, and u are just sitting there being a complete idiot while, at the same time, trying your best to laugh with them, despite the fact that you don't know what on earth they are -and you are- laughing at. I am not good at describing, but I can tell that it feels terrible! I am being honest here.. and, oh, I am always honest, aren't I? Rite! That's so obvious! LOL *does anybody feel like vomiting?* :P

Ok. Change topic! Today is my first time visiting the campus' Library. LOL. sotong. Went there just to see and know only, and I looked like sooo dot. Haha. Wanted to borrow a book but didn't know how, till I noe that I have to create a numeric pin first before using the electronic borrowing machine or whatever the name of the machine is. Haha. T_T Ha ha ha. Not funny for me.

Okiez... Bought a blouse with Christina and Terra yesterday.. We 3 have the same blouse.. LOL. Argh.. dunno what to sae already larh.. Next time I update again..

OH YAR! Forgot to post the Session notes! Tomorrow k? LOL. Hopefully....

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Youth Arise!! (Youth Bible Camp 2005)

Hello.... it's been a while since the last time i updated this blog... hehe... ok. without further speech, let me staaarrrttt this.... =D

I feel like talking bout the Bible Camp. it was a 3 days 2 nights camp held on the 21-23 may. Huwahh... can i talk in indonesian? i'm just too lazy to talk in english... LOL... No. i cant really express myself in English. English is a foreign language to me. I have been learning it since 5 years old? LOL. but indonesian is better. I learnt it ever since i saw this beautiful world.. XD... I am more fluent in Indonesian, to be honest. =P So, can i? Of course can! How can you say "no" ? This is my blog, remember?? LOLLL *am i forcing you to say "whatever.."?? HA HA!*

Ok. jadi gw mulai aje yahh... Bible Camp kmaren ini diadain di City Bayview hotel. Gw kira itu hotel bintang 3, gak taunya kmaren ini gw cek di internet, eh.. ternyata dia bintang 4 bow! hwuaha.. ah. bintang2 mah gak penting deh. yang penting tuh apa yang lu alamin di sana. ya gak? huwahahaha

Hari pertama:
Mm mungkin ini gak terlalu berkesan sih.. gw siap2in barang, dll, trus gw brangkat naik bis. agak males gt deh.. maklum lah, gw ke BC juga gak ada tujuan. cuman ngisi liburan. somehow gw mikir "temen gw ada, gw gak kurang kerjaan..knapa mesti ke BC?" haha tp gw pun pergi juga pada akhirnya. Di jalan gw ketemu ma rombongan NTU. Ci Ricci, ko Anton, ko Andri dkk. *yang laennya gak knal.. huwahah*. Ya ude gw gabung aje ma mreka. ehh.. tengah jalan pula, ketemu ci Achill. wuihh. all heading to the City Bayview hotel, with some heavy and some light lugagges. My mind asked, "Mm.. will this gonna be a great and unforgettable camp as it was said? Or they were probably just being too exaggerating?"

Sesampainya di City Bayview, gw orang ngumpul di lantai 5. gak ada kerjaan. cuman ngumpul2 aja. trus abis itu ada ice breaking games. yahh.. lumayan lahh.. gw sekelompok ma Ci Achill. tp kalah. huhuu.. gpp deh. abis itu klo gak salah pembagian kamar gt. tadinya gw sekamar ma Ci Merry, Siefen, sama Suryani. Trus gw liat room allocationnya.. masa Citra, Yossy, Jessica, San-san pada sekamar??? Gak relaa! haha.. gpp sih, gw gak protes juga sekamar ma Merry. Tp knapa mereka pada sekamar?? huhuuu.. Abis itu, gw orang ada session. Om Djohan yang bagiin firman. tentang kasih Bapa. gw ada catet koq. ntar ya gw post catetan gw di sini =D ok ok? Akhir session pun tiba.. San-san bilang ma merry kalo gw sebaiknya masuk ke kamar dia aja.. dan si merry setuju... So.. kita 1 FA jadi sekamar.. asiikk.. hahah! sharing nya jadi lebi enak ;) Trus.. jam yang paling ditunggu-tunggu : MaKaN mAleM! LOL. Rawon bikinan Ci Biena.. enak looo! *nyamm*

Hari kedua:
Hari ini games day. Kami pergi ke Sentosa buat main games. Gw dimasukin di kelompok "Esther" yang diketuai oleh Cynthia. Huwaha.. Btw, for your own info, Cynthia itu dulu temen smp gw... Haha.. Oh ya. Again, Citra, Yossy, Jessica were in 1 group!! Ugh.. knapaaa?? Huwahaha.. Gapapa deh. Gw punya grup juga ok. Ada Cynthia, Suryani, Andreas.... ok kan? kan? kan? =P Gamesnya tuh basically kayak amazing race gt.. kebayang dong capeknya? gak bisa istirahat karna dari 1 station ke station lain aja mesti lari! Huhu.. tambah lagi hari tuh puaaannnaass abis! Mana panitianya nyolot lagi.. ugh! Station pertama aja grup gw jalan.. yang laen pada naik bis.... sengsara bener sih?? Haha... tp by the time we reached the 3rd station, grup gw udah jadi yang pertama! Tapi sayang... setelah itu gw orang nyasar! Sebelnya, panitia tuh super nyolot. udah tau kita salah tujuan, bukannya dikasi tau kalo kita nyasar, malah didukung supaya kita ke tempat yang salah itu... Nyebelin abis deee!! Huhuu.. Oh iya, games nya juga super duper gak manusiawi.. Masa udah di station trakhir, udah super capek, disuru brenang di laut, jaraknya kira2 .. mmm.. brapa yah? lumayan jauh deh! Bujut! Orang bisa pingsan tuh! Tp puji Tuhan, gak ada yang pingsan.. Ugh. Ok. no point complaining now. Toh gak ada gunanya juga dan gw jadi kesel en ujung2nya dosa. Wah.. bahaya kan tuh? Pokoke intinya, in the end grup gw juara 3 dalam "amazing race" ini. x_x *bersyukur*

Abis main games, ada workshop ttg LSD.. ni workshop keren abis. gak kayak biasanya... Ini lebih ke mentality and application.. biasanya kan only talk about physical, physical, and physical... which is quite boring. Ugh. Haha. Setelah workshop, ada session lagi. I mean, YRC. haha.. gak ada firman Tuhan, tapi smua orang ngerasain jamahan Roh Kudus saat itu. Mm. gw gak gitu berasa banget sih, tp gw tau RK ada di sono. Sebel.. gw lost focus. Fokus gw ke BC tuh bukan buat Tuhan, tp karna gw mo ngisi liburan gw. Makanya gak gitu berasa juga. Tp gw tau tubuh gw bergetar dan gw gak bisa kontrol. Gw tau ada Tuhan. Tp gw gak gitu ngerasain semangat yang berapi2. Setelah itu kami muji Tuhan. Lagunya juga yang loncat kayak Running After You nya Planet Shakers (ini theme song BC kali ini), trus dilanjutin ma One Way nya Hillsong United. Gw orang loncat-loncat. Herannya, sebelum ini gw orang cuapekk abis gara2 games itu.. Mana hari juga uda malem.. tp koq masih ada energy buat muji Tuhan se-vigorous itu? Mmm.. God provided the power to praise Him. Amen!

Hari ketiga:
Nothing much to say.. just a session and a performance day. Grup gw performed drama. Smua orang bilang drama grup gw paling bagus, tapi gw orang mainnya 9 menit. Ini melampaui batas waktu yang hanya 5 menit. Akhirnya, nilai grup gw dipotong banyaaakk banget! Huhuu T_T. Tp gpp de.. hadiahnya juga cuman makanan. Dikit lagi! Hahaha... After that.. kita pulannngg! =D

Besoknya, gw sekolah. 1st day in TP. enak sih. asik gt. meski lecturenya a bit boring, tapi anak2 E01 tuh asik aja... =D haha.. nothing much to say bout school lah hor... ok i guess sampe di sini aja dulu.. see you later yah.. ntar gw post deh session notes nya.. sip? Byeee....

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