Student Awards Ceremony 2007

I attended the Student Awards Ceremony on Wednesday afternoon, and I received 2 awards: The CCA Merit Award and The Interest Group of The Year Award.

Kind of happy, but do I really deserve these??


Back Left to Right: Daisy, April, Ronald, Ye Tun
Front Left to Right: Peilin, Jane, Stephanie, Me, Isaiah, Jesher, Terence


B L to R: Daisy, April, Ronald
F L to R: Peilin, Jane, Stephanie, Me, Isaiah, Ye Tun, Jesher, Terence


L to R: Ivy, Peilin, Me, Ye Tun, Terence


Standing, B L to R: Terence, Stephanie, Ronald, Peilin, Ivy, Daisy, Jane, Me
Squatting, F L to R: Ye Tun, Isaiah, Jesher


L to R: Ivy, Peilin, Me, Ye Tun


L to R: Ivy, Isaiah, Daisy, Ronald, Alvin, Ye Tun, Me

Anyways, whether I deserve the award or not, I think I should cherish the moments I have for the past year(s). I have learnt a lot through these two demanding CCAs and the people there are the ones who have gone through thick and thin together with me in school. Thanks my CCA-mates!!! Esp. Peilin (for all fun activities you organised, my birthday celebration, EVERYTHING!), Jesher (for all encouraging and motivational words you give when I'm low, for being so darn serious when studying, which makes me worried and hence hitting my books even harder...), Swee Kee (for all the helps you render during all events, for the scoldings, the nagging, and the fun spent, thanks), Isaiah (for your always great back up plans escaping meetings!! Lol. And for sharing the same darn experience joining the club in the middle of the acad year, and sharing the entire bloody encounter.. well.. you know what I mean. lol. And thanks for being lame...), and Terence (thanks for... -uh, what else?- driving all of us home in the middle of the night), you guys are GREAT with a huge G!! You make my days in TP more meaningful :)


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Day of The LORD

I spent almost all of my time in church today, enjoying the presence of God.

7am - 9am : Youth Dawn Prayer
10am - 1pm: Starbucks Coffee
2pm - 5pm: BCS Workers' Prayer Meeting
5pm - 7:30pm: Heart of God Church Service

and I was totally blessed!!!

At the Dawn Prayer, i was reminded to keep on praying for my family. extended family. More than half a decade ago, my extended family has always been hauled with problems. There will never be times where all of us can be one big family, living in harmony. Never. Instead, there would only be arrogance, defamations, lies, backstabs, and so on. The reason? I am not really sure myself. Brother Bonar said that in Christ, there is hope. God can do great and mighty things, even if we think that such things are impossible to happen. But who am I to assume? The future lies in Him, and believing Him is the key to the freedom. I put my trusts on God alone and I believe that restorations will happen in my family. My family will be walking together hand-in-hand towards the finishing line, with God as the leader. Yes, Lord. I demand the restoration!

Workers' Prayer Meeting was awesome!!!! Super duper awesome!!! Serious!! I received the anointing once again. Holy Spirit was and is undescribable! All things involving that Special One is just miraculous and beyond my thoughts. I thought I knew Him and I have been with Him for so long, but today I saw something that's super amazing to me. It felt as if I just knew Him. I become so totally all over Him, my Jesus. I think I am falling in love harder than the first time. I promise I will spend quality time with Him even more than the usual.

Heart of God service was also great. It taught me, as part of the Joshua Generation, to unite with the older generations. Malachi 4:6. When two or more generations unite, the Holy Spirit is real and God will do even greater things that each one of us could ever imagine. Can you believe that? More miracles!!! See Mary and Elizabeth? Two different generations united, and the results? Awesome!!!

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Personality Test

I just took an online personality test and I think the result is pretty close to my ownself. It's kind of cool and let me just post this, alrites?

You Are An INFP

The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards. You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.

At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual. When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak.

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Dawn Prayer

Hari ini hari sabtu, dan pagi ini gw ke dawn prayer (lagi). Entah kenapa gue jadi tertarik buat dateng ke doa jam 7 pagi itu. Jadi gelap2 gue uda jalan ke bus stop buat menuju ke OHGS.

Di sana gue ngerasa roh gue di-recharged lagi. Kadang kita perlu banget buat minum air hidup itu. Bukan kadang sih, tapi tiap hari. Tapi entah kenapa, waktu gue saat teduh, yang gue dapet itu jauh lebi dikit dari saat2 gue dateng ke doa2 bareng kayak dawn prayer gitu. Mungkin tingkat kedisiplinan gue yang kurang kali ya.. waktu saat teduh mungkin gue pengennya cepet2 kelar ato gimana....

Nah saat bagian sharing2 gitu, Ko Omar tanya, apa sih yang bikin kita dateng ke dawn prayer? Jujur aja nih, sabtu pagi itu tuh adalah satu2nya hari dalam seminggu di mana gue bisa bangun siang. Dan terus terang aja, waktu paling berharga itu adalah waktu2 di mana gue bisa tidur pulas sampe puas. Dulu, gue selalu bangun siang banget, jadi bangun2 bisa langsung lunch, dan gue sangat menikmatinya. Pas gue uda kerja, gak ada lagi masa2 bangun siang. Dari senin sampe jumat, gue harus bangun pagi. Jadi sabtu adalah hari paling berharga yang gue miliki. Tapi, saat paling berharga buat gw catch up sama waktu tidur gw (sabtu pagi) harus gw korbankan kalo gue mao dateng ke dawn prayer.

Kenapa sih gue bela2in dateng buat dawn prayer? Kalo dipikir2 yah, mulai jem 7, berarti gue harus bangun paling telat jem setengah 6. Ngapainnnn??? Lu kan tau sendiri betapa gue sangat menikmati bangun jam 1 siang....

Mungkin kalo ditanya alasannya, ada banyak hal yang berbau rohani yang bakalan gw jawab. Klasik. Tapi kalo gue boleh jujur, gue bener2 ngerasa kalo gue harus kudu dateng ke dawn prayer, gue harus ngorbanin sesuatu yang menurut gw berharga banget buat Tuhan. Kenapa? Karna gue mau belajar mencintaiNya. Satu-satunya alasan kenapa gue bisa kuat dan nggak komplen adalah karna gue mau kasih yang terbaik buat Tuhan. Gue udah terlalu sering ngegombal, bilang cinta sama Tuhan, gue mau hati Tuhan disenangkan, dll dsb dst. Tapi buktinya mana? Gue ngedosa iya, tobat juga ga sepenuh hati. Cape gak sih? Kepikiran gak sih kalo sekarang ini saatnya kita semua pada bangkit?

Dan lagi, kalo misalnya gue jadi orang tua, apa sih yang bakal gue rasain kalo misalnya anak gue ngasih gue sesuatu yang gue tau berharga banget buat dia? Apa sih yang bakal gue rasain kalo anak gue rela ngelepasin barang yang berharga banget (mainan kesayangan misalnya) buat gue cuma karna dia pengen hati gue seneng? Man... kalo gw ada di posisi orang tua itu, gue pasti bakal terharu banget dan nganggep anak gue tuh malaikat. Begitu juga dengan Tuhan. Waktu tidur di sabtu pagi adalah sesuatu yang menurut gw berharga banget dan sayang banget kalo gw relain gitu aja. Tapi gue mau korbanin itu semua buat Tuhan karna gw pengen hatiNya disenangkan.

Kita selalu minta buat revival, tapi revival itu gak bakal terjadi kalo kita nggak lebih dulu memulai. Temen gue pernah bilang, kita nggak boleh cuma nunggu2 dari Tuhan doang tapi nggak ngelakuin apa2. We are the ones who roll the ball, God is the one who keeps the ball rolling. Gitu... Jadi, kalo kita males2an terus, gak bisa bangun lah, apa lah.. yah elah.. kapan mulainya revival itu??

Itu juga salah satu alasan gue ikut dawn prayer sih: Latihan bangun pagi. Kalo di indo, nyokap pasti ngoceh2 kalo gue bangun siang. Emang sih, kalo dipikir2, sayang juga bo hari dilewatin cuma buat tidur. Tuhan ciptain hari itu buat kita ngelakuin perkara2 dahsyat, lah kalo kita tidur aja kapan kita mau memberkati orang? Dulu gue selalu minta supaya gue bisa jadi tentara Tuhan yang gak kenal gentar. Mana ada tentara yang bangun siang2?? Iya gak sih? Tentara itu kan siap sedia kapanpun di manapun, tiap hari kerjaannya bergerilya ke sana ke sini... Bukan tidur. Lagian kalo kita mulai hari kita dengan ketemu Tuhan di pagi hari, pikiran kita jadi lebih awas. Lebih alert lah istilahnya. Bukan tentara kesiangan kayak yang tadi gue sebutin itu.

Buat temen2 yang ngebaca post ini, gue sangat mengundang kalian yang masih muda untuk ikut dawn prayer, Sabtu jem 7 pagi di Orchard House of God (Singapore). Ada banyak berkat yang bisa kita dapetin, yang gak bakalan bisa kita terima kalo kita cuma males2an aja di sabtu pagi.

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Hey PEEPS!!!

Finally, I can log in to BLOGSPOT again!!!! Lol.

Therefore, I'm gonna do what i used to do: BLOGGING.

Yeah. its been an extremely long time ever since the last time i blogged. wow! 2 months? Lol. Oh well.. i nearly dont know what to write now... serious. too many things to tell yet too little mood to type. lol.

1. On Internship
i am currently doing my internship in DBS Bank, and I'm posted under CBG (Consumer Banking Group), Sales Incentives Department. Its been rather boring as my jobscope is mainly on payment processing, but hey, at least i know what im doing. Besides the boring excel spreadsheets to work on everyday, I am also involved in developing the regional dept's Intranet Pub and thats stressful!! Alrights. STRESSFUL!! i am not new to web development, but sadly, i am not doing the aesthetic or html. what i do is the site management which i hate. I feel so stupid when it comes to intranet. why? becoz we are doing this as a joint project with other business units in the department, which includes working with other interns. and what stupid is, they start comparing my capability with other interns. and let me tell you this: i am the only poly intern being involved in the project, and the rest of the interns i am working with (and being compared with) are university students!! So please be civil and stop comparing me with them coz firstly, they are older, and secondly, they are pursuing a degree! Sigh. i dont know why. i hate to know less than them. but on the other hand, theres nothing much i can do. man. i cant wait to get this project over and done with.

2. On Church
Bible camp is just over two weeks ago and everything was awesome! We are getting more and more undignified for God! The only thing that im so sorry for is that it needs to end.........

3. On Friendship
Did i tell you before that I have no best friend? Well, i guess i'm starting to break that perception. Im getting more and more comfortable with Shana, and i can tell her my problems, ask for her opinions, tell her everything, anything, basically all things under the sun. I'm starting to be more open to her, and I think we will be best of friends. Shahirah too. But too bad shahirah works in a different company so cant really meet her that often. good thing is, shana is a convert so we share the same belief. Thank God.

Other stuff will be updated soon. Thanks for reading.

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