My heart is very fragile.
Please handle with care.

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YRC Sunday, cellgroup, and more.

YRC Sunday has moved to OHGS and hence our services will no longer be in Hyatt Hotel.
Not only that, weekly services will commence at 11am in the morning, instead of the usual 2pm.
Do take note!

If you are young within, understand Bahasa Indonesia, like to sing and dance, be in a band, etc, love to be in a super funky and vibrant bold and unashamed never say die for God kinda attitude community, be in a place with fun loving people, love to do whatever stuff thats cool, then JOIN US! Hahahahaha.....

Today's YRC was super! I thot the change in place and time will affect how the service commences. Erm, correction, it does have changes here and there, but i guess its for the better =)

We are still YRC Sunday, afterall, thus when we move to OHGS, we still commence our services in our way. We use chairs instead of sitting on the floor, and we have a holy communion every month. It is rare for a youth service to have a holy communion, but we do.

Having chairs is (glad to say) better than sitting on the floor, coz during praise and worship, when everyone wants to jump, they will run to the front and do so. The feeling is so cool when they leave their seats, race to the front and jump for God. They wanna get rid of their comfort zone of their seats and shout and jump the way youths do to express their love to their Creator. I said its better coz there wont be any bags or bibles lying on the floor which prevent them from jumping freely.

Today, the ushers kept on adding new rows of chairs due to congregations that kept on coming in. It was packed all the way to the back. Okay, we only filled in the centre part at first, but we couldn't help it but to create a new sitting block at the two sides. Thank God for the ushers who had served mightily, and did not stop smiling even though they might be tired of 'ngangkut2in bangku' and arranging the chairs.

Moving on, multimedia team only needs 2-3 people per service due to the limitations in the equipments used. We are no longer using the big camera, and no more dvds and stuff, no more messy cables, and no more service documentations. Okay, maybe in the next two weeks Ko Alfon will start rotating each of us to do and edit the service docs every week and we will upload it in YouTube or other video sharing media for everyone to see.

Because Multimedia team only needs 2-3 people, I won't be scheduled to serve everyweek (yaay for this!). Therefore, I would be able to do other stuff, like making friends with the new comers or so :D

It's amazing to know how I heart (read: love) YRC Sunday. I know it will be used to reach out to more and more young people out there. I am optimistic for this.

Talking about love reminds me of CoOL. Man, how I miss my cellgroup. I want cellgroup meetings!!! Hahahaha... Hai. My cell is now holiday-ing coz almost all the members have gone back to their hometown, leaving my leader, stephanie, and myself. Pathetic? Kinda.

And talking about cellgroup, I don't really treat my cell leader the way I did previously. Ever since my cell leader has a girlfriend, I rather lean back whenever I want to talk to him. I have lots to tell him, but I am afraid his girlfriend might feel uneasy. Another point is that he also doesn't seem to have the time to talk to his cellgroup members lately due to his commitment on his current relationship. I wish I could tell him this, and remind him to talk more often with his members. I want cellgroup meetings, because only with this, he can do whatever things he used to do, pray for us, talk to us, listen to us, go out with us, etc.

Give me back those moments.

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Why do I always take cab nowadays?

Coz Its Very Convenient! Hix.

I wasted bucks just for the uncle to drive me around.


I know its fast, but thats not my point.

Okay, sometimes i need to go somewhere quick.

But the thing is, I'm kinda addicted to it.

What's bus concession for?

Me = Cab?

Sigh big time.

Money waster.

I hope it doesn't develop into a lifestyle.

Bus rocks.

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Tell Me

Tell me why you keep on disturbing me.

Just tell me.

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Chelsie dan Luna.

Gue mo cerita.

Ada seorang anak, yang pengen punya seekor anjing. Dari dulu dia selalu mampir ke pet shop, liat2 kalo2 ada seekor anjing yang bisa dimilikinya. Dia juga jalan2 sama anjing orang, kenalan sama anjing2 jalanan, pokoknya apapun yang bisa bikin dia ketemu sama anjing yang sesuai sama kriterianya.

Suatu kali dia ketemu seekor anjing cantik di pet shop, namanya Chelsie. Dia jatuh hati sama tu anjing, dan pengen bgt dapetin anjing itu. Dia liat harganya, muahalnya bukan main. Agak sedih juga, namun dia gak putus asa sampe situ. Anak itu terus mengumpulkan uang, berharap saat tabungannya sudah cukup nanti, Chelsie masih ada di sana. Akhirnya, hasil jerih payah anak ini pun terbayar. Chelsie pun menjadi miliknya.

Anak ini gembira, begitu pula Chelsie. Mereka menjalani kehidupan bersama seakan-akan tak ada kesedihan yang berani menghampiri kedua makhluk hidup itu. Sang anak menjadi begitu dekat dengan anjing peliharaannya, demikian pula dengan Chelsie, yang makin lama makin manja dengan sang anak. Sang anak pun bersyukur telah mendapatkan Chelsie. Baginya, anjing cantik ini adalah anugerah yang tak tergantikan.

Tapi sayang, tiba-tiba Chelsie yang disayanginya ternyata berubah menjadi judes banget. Sejak itu, Chelsie gak pernah mau menerima cinta kasih dari si anak. Chelsie selalu membuat anak ini kecewa, Chelsie gak pernah mau diajak main, Chelsie gak mau dimiliki oleh anak ini. Seakan-akan memiliki dua kepribadian, Chelsie pun menjadi sosok anjing yang sangat berbeda dari yang dikenal sang anak beberapa bulan yang lalu. Sekarang, di mata Chelsie, anak ini memiliki banyak kekurangan, dan gak pantes buat memiliki seekor anjing seperti dirinya. Anak ini pun terus berusaha dan berusaha, namun hasilnya selalu gagal. Usaha pendekatan yang dilakukannya terhadap anjing cantik itu selalu gak membawa hasil. Chelsie menjadi seekor anjing yang sulit diajak berkompromi. Paling tidak, sulit diajak kompromi dengan anak itu.

Berbulan-bulan berlalu. Si anak terpaksa melepaskan Chelsie ke tempat di mana dia bisa lebih berbahagia. Si anak sedih banget begitu tau kalo Chelsie gak mau dia miliki. Demi kebaikan Chelsie, si anak rela melepaskan anjing itu ke habitat yang lebih pantas baginya.

Seperti dikirim oleh angin, beberapa hari kemudian, ada seekor anjing liar yang ditemuinya. Anjing ini biasa2 aja, gak terlalu cantik, gak terlalu indah, bulunya gak terlalu bagus, matanya gak terlalu mengkilat, pokoknya biasa-biasa aja deh. Kalah banget kalo dibandingin sama Chelsie. Si anak gak memperhatikan anjing ini pada awalnya, tapi karna anjing ini selalu ngikutin dia ke manapun dia berada, dibawa pulanglah anjing biasa2 ini, dan dinamainya Luna.

Luna sebenernya adalah anjing buangan. Dia dulu pernah dimiliki oleh seorang bapak yang ngakunya sayang ma dia, tapi justru membawa ketakutan luar biasa buat si Luna. Luna gak bisa main sama bapak ini, dan Luna ngerasa bapak ini cuman pengen mempergunakan Luna. Luna dijadikan ajang taruhan, dipermainkan, dicemooh, dihina, pokoknya sama sekali gak dihargain. Luna pun akhirnya kabur dari rumah si bapak begitu ada kesempatan, dia berlari dan berlari jauh meninggalkan kota tempat bapak itu tinggal, sampai akhirnya dia menemukan anak itu.

Meskipun Luna gak seindah Chelsie, namun Luna gak sejudes Chelsie. Dia senantiasa menemani anak itu kapanpun dan di manapun. Pokoknya, di manapun anak ini berada, Luna selalu ada di sampingnya. Kalo Luna takut, dia pasti selalu nyari tuannya, begitu pula kalo si anak lagi sedih, dia selalu cerita ke Luna. Terutama tentang Chelsie. Si anak selalu melampiaskan kesedihannya pada Luna, dan Luna selalu menghibur tuannya ini dengan mendengarkan dan mengajaknya bermain. Kehidupan ini berlangsung cukup lama, dan Luna ngerasa sangat nyaman berada di sisi sang anak. Belum pernah dalam hidupnya, dia diperhatikan secara luar biasa oleh manusia.

Tapi sayang, si anak cuman menjadikan Luna sebagai pelarian dari Chelsie. Dia sedih banget atas perlakuan anjing cantik itu atas dirinya, dan pas banget saat itu ada Luna, dia selalu menumpahkan kekesalannya pada Luna, meski pada akhirnya Luna juga dipelihara, dikasih makan, disayang2, tapi tetep aja, hatinya ada pada Chelsie dan bukan Luna.

Luna sebagai anjing tentu punya insting yang luar biasa. Dia tau banget tuannya itu masih menginginkan Chelsie dan bukan dia. Tapi sayang, dia gak bisa ngapa2in. Yang bisa dia lakukan cuma ngedengerin setiap kekecewaan tuannya atas perlakuan Chelsie terhadap dirinya, dan mendukung tuannya setiap kali tuannya pergi ke pet shop itu cuma buat ngeliat Chelsie dan ngobrol2 sama Chelsie. Di satu sisi Luna cemburu, tapi di sisi lain Luna tau kalo dirinya gak seindah Chelsie, gak selucu Chelsie, dan gak semenarik Chelsie. Luna pun jadi sedih. Tuannya selalu nyari2 cara buat dapetin Chelsie kembali, dan Luna jadi ngerasa gak aman. Gimana kalo tuannya berhasil ngedapetin Chelsie, Luna mau diapain? Apakah dia akan kembali jadi anjing jalanan?

Luna terus merenung dan merenung, hingga akhirnya dia sadar, kalau pada awalnya dia pun hanya menjadikan anak ini sebagai tempat perlindungan. Dia mempergunakan anak ini untuk melindunginya dari bahaya, kalau2 pemilik sebelumnya mau merampas dia dan membawanya kembali ke kehidupan asalnya yang pahit dan kelam. Mungkin Luna juga mempergunakan anak ini, mungkin Luna juga menjadikan anak ini sebagai tempat pelarian, tapi kenapa Luna cemburu tiap kali tuannya cerita tentang Chelsie? Kenapa Luna ngerasa sakit? Kenapa Luna ngerasa gak aman? Kalau dia bener2 sayang sama tuannya, bukankah lebih baik jika melihat tuannya bahagia bersama Chelsie? Sebegitu egoisnyakah Luna?

Luna pun memutuskan untuk terus menjalankan tugasnya dengan setia, menemani tuannya siang dan malam, menjadikan tempat curahan hati, mendukung, dan membantu tuannya. Namun dalam hatinya, ia mengiris sedikit demi sedikit luka dalam hatinya, dan tak hentinya ia selalu bertanya, "Mengapa engkau hanya melihat dari luarnya saja? Kenapa karna dia lebih lucu engkau lebih memilih dia? Sifatku jelas lebih baik dari dia, dan aku mengasihimu dengan tulus, setulus engkau mengasihi dia. Aku akan selalu menjagamu siang dan malam, sebagaimana sudah kubuktikan di masa-masa ini. Engkau selalu berusaha mendapatkannya, engkau berharap bisa memeluknya, namun engkau tidak menyadari bahwa apa yang kau butuhkan saat ini sudah tersedia di depan matamu. Aku tak bisa berbuat apa-apa, tuan. Jika engkau terus memilih dia, aku tetap akan mendukungmu."

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My acoustic

Strumming my guitar,
Singing songs out loud,
On one simple evening.

It has been so long since the last time I felt this pleasure.
And now I am enjoying it again.

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OSIM - Oh Sh*t, It's Monday!!


Well, to me, Monday isn't that bad. Partially because we only have 1 miserable 2-hour PracTech lecture which happens to start at 11am.

After having our lunch, we then started to work on our BizIntel assignment, which ends at around 3:30 pm. Our plan was to meet John Sung at 6pm, our company project supervisor, and present him our system, as well as to test the company server. Justin told the group that we would need approximately 1 hour 15 minutes to get into the Island. So we decided to bum around in the computer lab until 4:30 pm comes. Justin and I watched The School of Rock in his laptop. Obviously, there was not enough time to complete the 2-hour movie, but we still watched anyway.

We left the Lab at 4:30 sharp, (even though the bus-waiting time took longer than expected) but we still managed to reach the Island at 5:45 pm. In the Island Bus Stop, Justin met his previous colleagues and we found out from her that JOHN WAS ON MC!!!! Great! We had already travelled that far, but everything just went in vain. Everyone was so excited but now, the mood had gone by the wind towards the thin air. Anyway, we learnt our lesson that next time, before we have an appointment with anyone, do confirm with the person on the day before we left.

Suddenly, in the midst of our disappointment, Shahirah spoke up, "Hey, anyone in for a movie?" We looked at her... actually it wasn't such a bad idea. We thought of it for a while, decided upon which cinema to go to, and finally chose the Grand Cathay at Dhoby Ghaut.

The movie was from 7 to 9 pm, afterwhich, shana and shahirah went home. Justin, Dodi, and I then had our dinner, and went home by train. Everything went good, when finally the sour stuff appeared.

Someone I didn't wish to think, to remember, or to talk to, called me repeatedly. I kept on rejecting or ignoring his calls, but this guy just wouldn't give up calling. He texted me a message, asking why I rejected his calls, which I did not reply. I mean, wasn't the answer obvious? I was avoiding you!

SMS: What's wrong? Do you want me to come over to your house?
I stunned, thinking of whether or not should I reply his sms this time.
My reply: No. Do not ever.

The guys noticed the awkwardness in my face.

Justin: What happened mun?
Louisa: What? Nothing.
*my phone vibrates*
Louisa: Tsk! Stop calling, can??
Dodi: Aiya, just pick up lah!
*I rejected the call*
Dodi: Why never pick up? Your friend calling you, you don't want to pick up. Hai..
Louisa: I don't want to talk to this person lah!
Dodi: It's good what... At least got people call you. I whole day wait for the phone, nobody calls me.

SMS: Why don't you pick up? Anything wrong?

I gave no responses.

Dodi and I talked in the train while Justin was in his own world on the phone. The train finally reached Paya Lebar where I alighted. The calls still kept on coming in, and I always rejected it or just simply did not pick up. Suddenly, a message popped up.

SMS: That's it. I'm coming over...

I FREAKED OUT!!! YOU KIDDING!!! This guy freaking knows my complete full address, he knows which level I stayed in, he knows my unit number, and he can reach my house in no time coz he stays bloody near my house!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hands trembled, I didn't know what to do. I grabbed my phone, typed, "I don't want to see you!"

Message sent.

Then I went to the address book, searched for Justin's number, nearly called him asking for help but I failed to do so. I wanted to cry. I was so terrified I couldn't think properly. I typed to send Justin an SMS, "Please HELP me, I'm so scared!". I have already typed the message, but I realised he was happily in the train, heading home. Then I switched target. I called Shahirah instead, since she knows my situation and this guy, basically everything. Then Shahirah prayed for me. She also didn't know what to do. On that small pavement towards my house, I literally shouted to God, "GOD! PLEASE SPARE ME!!! I really don't want to see him!!"

I texted the guy. "Don't scare me by coming over."

His SMS: Ok. But let me know why you acted so strangely. If not, I am coming over to find out.
My reply: Are you threatening me? I just feel uncomfortable whenever I'm with you. Maybe you are not the one.
His SMS: What is it that makes you feel so? Anything I can do to make it better?

I seriously fed up. I didn't reply him.

Finally, I reached my apartment, and I looked around, searching for anything that represents the presence of this guy. But no, he's not there. Phew. Thank God.

I quickly went up. I sms-ed Justin, telling him what just happened. I typed for so long, but I accidentally cleared the screen without saving it. Darn SMS.

Then THE GUY called. I rejected, obviously.
Another call came. This one was from Shahirah. I picked up and thanked her for praying for me, and talked to me when I was scared.
Soon after I ended the conversation, another phone call came. Justin.

"What happened? You OK?"

Like Duh! Obviously I'm not!! I told him everything, then he laughed his butt off. Stupid.

Justin: Well, who knows if later there will be news of you and him together...
Louisa: Choy! Shut up! It will never happen.
Justin: Oh, you sure?
Louisa: Hey, don't say anything la, sometimes whatever you said may come true.
Justin: Oh yeah, there is power in a believer's tongue.
Louisa: Exactly. So shut up.
Justin: Laughs
Louisa: Not funny. I will hang up.
Justin: OK Ok relax. bla bla bla.

Then we started talking about anything else....

My life seriously is screwed up. But for now, I just let God have a hold of it. Nope, I mean from now onwards.

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TLG Christmas Celebration

Danny is born an Emcee.
NextLevel is talented (i mean the four goofies who sang on stage, that was ultimately entertaining!)
Book of Hope is useful. (For the first time Christians!)

And, what makes everything special: MY FRIEND CHRISTINA =]

Attending a service with your usual TLG friends is usual, but with her presence, it all became special.

And of course, God's presence too.

Want me to be honest? I feel the PW a bit screwed up. Honest.

But oh well. God still showed up. That matters the most.

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Bokek!!! Gua lagi bokek!! Kerjaan gua tiap hari itu tuh narik duit dari ATM. Koq bisa?
Yah bisa lah, masa gak bisa? Hehehe...

YAh uda deh, gw mo cerita. Selamat tidur membaca cerita harian gw... hehehe.

Senin - Selasa... pegi kampus, pulang kampus, mampir parkway, SHOPPING. Gak ada yang perlu dijelasin kali ya, mungkin karna ini terlalu membosankan untuk diceritakan.

Rabu ... Sedikit menarik. Presentasi!

Gua uda dag dig dug gak keruan, gw dan grup dateng pagian buat latian, dan we had the entire lab for ourselves. Kita akhirnya ngetest laptop kita di projector sekolah, dan akhirnya error gara2 by default laptop gw maupun laptopnya justin (cuma kita bedua yang bawa laptop), uda di extend ke second monitor, jadi pas mo dijadiin 1 monitor doang, projectornya gak terima sinyal apa2. Akhirnya kita panggil si technician, and we managed to get the thing done.

After the technician went away, kita latian (gladi kotor), terus akhirnya diusir dari lab karna labnya mo dipake, dan kita pindah lab. Justin closed the Lab Room door, and he instructed, "Ok everyone, Let's pray!" And he led the prayer. It's a good thing that all of us (ok, only 4 out of 5) are Christians, so we can pray together in times like this.

Gladi bersih.

Gua present duluan, dengan group members gw belaga jadi judgesnya. Di tengah2 speech gue, Justin nyeletuk, "what is system management?"

I stunned. Firstly, i didnt expect any questions at that point of time. Secondly, I knew he was acting as one of the judges, but I did not know that the question would come from a person like him. (Ooops. Lol.) I froze.

Latihan selesai, we were waiting outside the presentation room, when everyone was going crazy. Justin and Shana were singing songs they created, like "Yesterday", but they changed the lyric into something depressing, and I was too sleepy to listen. Nevermind.

Presentation went ok, I believe we can pass. Then we went for lunch, and quickly go to the Lab to finish our BizIntel assignment. Pas uda kelar, kita pulang. HORE.

Doa pengerja.

Pulang sekolah ada doa pengerja.. jadi buru2 mandi, grab some meal, then walked off to the bus stop. Sore itu gw baru inget kalo BingBing, spupunya Tirza, hari itu jualan waffle di kampus, dan kmaren dia ktemu gw di kampus ASc dan gw da janji ma dia mo beli. Argh! Maap Bing, gw lupa gara2 presentation itu.....

Sekian dan terima kasih.

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YO YO!!!

heHEHE DAh lama banget sejak gw update blog gw ya, sampe2 teman2ku satu2 meninggalkan blog gw perlahan2 karna bosen nungguin update-an yang ada...

Banyak hal terjadi laaa... dari bete sampe seneng
Apalagi pas worship with stars....

BETE!!! Emang!
KECEWA!!! Sangat! sampe gw ngomel2 ma c sansan (sorry ci!!!)
SENENG! Gak juga sih tp oke lah.....

Btw yah, apaan tuh worship with stars? Heheh. makanya ke donk gimana seh! HAhahah. MAles gw jelasin 1-1. ya pokoknya acara yrc sunday deh..

eh ngomong2 soal yrc sunday, kita bakal pindah k ohgs looo... jem 11 pagi, huweheh horeee!! (meski kacau juga kalo diliat dari segi pelayanan...)

Usher jadinya harus berubah cara menyambut jemaat2 baru, skrg ini kan ga ada kursi, gak ada sepatu ato alas kaki juga.. haha.. tmpatnya beda pula... cara ngasi kantong persembahan juga pasti beda.

Multimedia juga mungkin berubah, meski gak banyak, remembering that the Projectors are fixed, the screens are fixed, the camera position changed, the laptop, mixer, computer, etc all changed.

PW? Jangan tanya!! Ini bukan di hyatt, stagenya kecil, jemaatnya uda gak pake tempat duduk, terus ruangannya gak kedap suara, jadi music team must control their loudness.

Apalagi? YAh doa mungkin gak ngaruh kali yah... SALAH!! Sebelum youth service, ada BES... jadi doa gak tau mau jem berapa.... hahehe... minor sih, i know....

Apa lagi? sound system? Beuh!!! Ruangannya bergaung2 gitu... mesti jago deh si anthony...

Cuman perpindahan ini membawa teriakan HALELUYA yang sangat keras dari CARE TEAM, karna dengan ini, care team bisa lebih mengontrol jemaatnya satu per satu, terutama dari segi jemaat baru.... heheh.

Oh iya, pindahnya tanggal 11. which is also tanggal berlangsungnya acara natal gabungan TLG (yang flyernya keren banget itu!!!) WAKAKAKAK. Bawa kado luuu... buat gw moga2 dapetnya yang 10 dollar... LOL.

Trus kmaren ini gw ikut FA ko iie... bole juga, meski gw tdnya pengen share sesuatu ttg anak2 yang tertolak (mnurut gw mereka kurang tau siapa itu anak2 tertolak.....) tp uda malem jd ga jadi d...

Btw, ngomong2 soal FA, pas worship with stars FA gw (Perez) menang kategori FA tergubraks... WAKAKA.. Hidup gubraks!!!! Haiz.... sedih juga sih.... Tau gak sih perez uda bubar??? Alesanny banyak la... banyak yang gak komit, dll dll.... Tp bakal ada FA baru sih taon depan heheh... im so looking forward to that...

Kmaren ini gw balik indo..... ikut retreat gereja, tentang rumah tangga yng diberkati (gak relevan sih sama gw yg belum berkeluarga, tapi gpp la buat masa depan, hehehehehe). gw berdoa kenceng2 soal pemulihan keluarga besar tapi hasilnya tetep nihil, but i know God's time is perfect, so im still hopeful. Sigh.

Di indo bosen banget, satu2nya hal yang gw lakukan yg bermanfaat di indo tu cuma ke salon (anak2 semua pada tau kalo gw merubah gaya gua habis2an sejak gw balik indo!), beli buku di gramed....... nonton, udah. Haiz.... nyiksaaa nyiksa.

Udah ah.

Ngeliat poin2 di atas.. ternyata banyak juga ya yang mesti gw ceritain... ah udah lah... kalo curious leave a comment aja ntar gw ceritain yang panjang.... hehehehehehehehe......


Gue mo siapin presentasi dulu.. besok gw ngeblog lagi d!!

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