OSIM - Oh Sh*t, It's Monday!!


Well, to me, Monday isn't that bad. Partially because we only have 1 miserable 2-hour PracTech lecture which happens to start at 11am.

After having our lunch, we then started to work on our BizIntel assignment, which ends at around 3:30 pm. Our plan was to meet John Sung at 6pm, our company project supervisor, and present him our system, as well as to test the company server. Justin told the group that we would need approximately 1 hour 15 minutes to get into the Island. So we decided to bum around in the computer lab until 4:30 pm comes. Justin and I watched The School of Rock in his laptop. Obviously, there was not enough time to complete the 2-hour movie, but we still watched anyway.

We left the Lab at 4:30 sharp, (even though the bus-waiting time took longer than expected) but we still managed to reach the Island at 5:45 pm. In the Island Bus Stop, Justin met his previous colleagues and we found out from her that JOHN WAS ON MC!!!! Great! We had already travelled that far, but everything just went in vain. Everyone was so excited but now, the mood had gone by the wind towards the thin air. Anyway, we learnt our lesson that next time, before we have an appointment with anyone, do confirm with the person on the day before we left.

Suddenly, in the midst of our disappointment, Shahirah spoke up, "Hey, anyone in for a movie?" We looked at her... actually it wasn't such a bad idea. We thought of it for a while, decided upon which cinema to go to, and finally chose the Grand Cathay at Dhoby Ghaut.

The movie was from 7 to 9 pm, afterwhich, shana and shahirah went home. Justin, Dodi, and I then had our dinner, and went home by train. Everything went good, when finally the sour stuff appeared.

Someone I didn't wish to think, to remember, or to talk to, called me repeatedly. I kept on rejecting or ignoring his calls, but this guy just wouldn't give up calling. He texted me a message, asking why I rejected his calls, which I did not reply. I mean, wasn't the answer obvious? I was avoiding you!

SMS: What's wrong? Do you want me to come over to your house?
I stunned, thinking of whether or not should I reply his sms this time.
My reply: No. Do not ever.

The guys noticed the awkwardness in my face.

Justin: What happened mun?
Louisa: What? Nothing.
*my phone vibrates*
Louisa: Tsk! Stop calling, can??
Dodi: Aiya, just pick up lah!
*I rejected the call*
Dodi: Why never pick up? Your friend calling you, you don't want to pick up. Hai..
Louisa: I don't want to talk to this person lah!
Dodi: It's good what... At least got people call you. I whole day wait for the phone, nobody calls me.

SMS: Why don't you pick up? Anything wrong?

I gave no responses.

Dodi and I talked in the train while Justin was in his own world on the phone. The train finally reached Paya Lebar where I alighted. The calls still kept on coming in, and I always rejected it or just simply did not pick up. Suddenly, a message popped up.

SMS: That's it. I'm coming over...

I FREAKED OUT!!! YOU KIDDING!!! This guy freaking knows my complete full address, he knows which level I stayed in, he knows my unit number, and he can reach my house in no time coz he stays bloody near my house!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hands trembled, I didn't know what to do. I grabbed my phone, typed, "I don't want to see you!"

Message sent.

Then I went to the address book, searched for Justin's number, nearly called him asking for help but I failed to do so. I wanted to cry. I was so terrified I couldn't think properly. I typed to send Justin an SMS, "Please HELP me, I'm so scared!". I have already typed the message, but I realised he was happily in the train, heading home. Then I switched target. I called Shahirah instead, since she knows my situation and this guy, basically everything. Then Shahirah prayed for me. She also didn't know what to do. On that small pavement towards my house, I literally shouted to God, "GOD! PLEASE SPARE ME!!! I really don't want to see him!!"

I texted the guy. "Don't scare me by coming over."

His SMS: Ok. But let me know why you acted so strangely. If not, I am coming over to find out.
My reply: Are you threatening me? I just feel uncomfortable whenever I'm with you. Maybe you are not the one.
His SMS: What is it that makes you feel so? Anything I can do to make it better?

I seriously fed up. I didn't reply him.

Finally, I reached my apartment, and I looked around, searching for anything that represents the presence of this guy. But no, he's not there. Phew. Thank God.

I quickly went up. I sms-ed Justin, telling him what just happened. I typed for so long, but I accidentally cleared the screen without saving it. Darn SMS.

Then THE GUY called. I rejected, obviously.
Another call came. This one was from Shahirah. I picked up and thanked her for praying for me, and talked to me when I was scared.
Soon after I ended the conversation, another phone call came. Justin.

"What happened? You OK?"

Like Duh! Obviously I'm not!! I told him everything, then he laughed his butt off. Stupid.

Justin: Well, who knows if later there will be news of you and him together...
Louisa: Choy! Shut up! It will never happen.
Justin: Oh, you sure?
Louisa: Hey, don't say anything la, sometimes whatever you said may come true.
Justin: Oh yeah, there is power in a believer's tongue.
Louisa: Exactly. So shut up.
Justin: Laughs
Louisa: Not funny. I will hang up.
Justin: OK Ok relax. bla bla bla.

Then we started talking about anything else....

My life seriously is screwed up. But for now, I just let God have a hold of it. Nope, I mean from now onwards.

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