
Bokek!!! Gua lagi bokek!! Kerjaan gua tiap hari itu tuh narik duit dari ATM. Koq bisa?
Yah bisa lah, masa gak bisa? Hehehe...

YAh uda deh, gw mo cerita. Selamat tidur membaca cerita harian gw... hehehe.

Senin - Selasa... pegi kampus, pulang kampus, mampir parkway, SHOPPING. Gak ada yang perlu dijelasin kali ya, mungkin karna ini terlalu membosankan untuk diceritakan.

Rabu ... Sedikit menarik. Presentasi!

Gua uda dag dig dug gak keruan, gw dan grup dateng pagian buat latian, dan we had the entire lab for ourselves. Kita akhirnya ngetest laptop kita di projector sekolah, dan akhirnya error gara2 by default laptop gw maupun laptopnya justin (cuma kita bedua yang bawa laptop), uda di extend ke second monitor, jadi pas mo dijadiin 1 monitor doang, projectornya gak terima sinyal apa2. Akhirnya kita panggil si technician, and we managed to get the thing done.

After the technician went away, kita latian (gladi kotor), terus akhirnya diusir dari lab karna labnya mo dipake, dan kita pindah lab. Justin closed the Lab Room door, and he instructed, "Ok everyone, Let's pray!" And he led the prayer. It's a good thing that all of us (ok, only 4 out of 5) are Christians, so we can pray together in times like this.

Gladi bersih.

Gua present duluan, dengan group members gw belaga jadi judgesnya. Di tengah2 speech gue, Justin nyeletuk, "what is system management?"

I stunned. Firstly, i didnt expect any questions at that point of time. Secondly, I knew he was acting as one of the judges, but I did not know that the question would come from a person like him. (Ooops. Lol.) I froze.

Latihan selesai, we were waiting outside the presentation room, when everyone was going crazy. Justin and Shana were singing songs they created, like "Yesterday", but they changed the lyric into something depressing, and I was too sleepy to listen. Nevermind.

Presentation went ok, I believe we can pass. Then we went for lunch, and quickly go to the Lab to finish our BizIntel assignment. Pas uda kelar, kita pulang. HORE.

Doa pengerja.

Pulang sekolah ada doa pengerja.. jadi buru2 mandi, grab some meal, then walked off to the bus stop. Sore itu gw baru inget kalo BingBing, spupunya Tirza, hari itu jualan waffle di kampus, dan kmaren dia ktemu gw di kampus ASc dan gw da janji ma dia mo beli. Argh! Maap Bing, gw lupa gara2 presentation itu.....

Sekian dan terima kasih.

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