YRC Sunday, cellgroup, and more.

YRC Sunday has moved to OHGS and hence our services will no longer be in Hyatt Hotel.
Not only that, weekly services will commence at 11am in the morning, instead of the usual 2pm.
Do take note!

If you are young within, understand Bahasa Indonesia, like to sing and dance, be in a band, etc, love to be in a super funky and vibrant bold and unashamed never say die for God kinda attitude community, be in a place with fun loving people, love to do whatever stuff thats cool, then JOIN US! Hahahahaha.....

Today's YRC was super! I thot the change in place and time will affect how the service commences. Erm, correction, it does have changes here and there, but i guess its for the better =)

We are still YRC Sunday, afterall, thus when we move to OHGS, we still commence our services in our way. We use chairs instead of sitting on the floor, and we have a holy communion every month. It is rare for a youth service to have a holy communion, but we do.

Having chairs is (glad to say) better than sitting on the floor, coz during praise and worship, when everyone wants to jump, they will run to the front and do so. The feeling is so cool when they leave their seats, race to the front and jump for God. They wanna get rid of their comfort zone of their seats and shout and jump the way youths do to express their love to their Creator. I said its better coz there wont be any bags or bibles lying on the floor which prevent them from jumping freely.

Today, the ushers kept on adding new rows of chairs due to congregations that kept on coming in. It was packed all the way to the back. Okay, we only filled in the centre part at first, but we couldn't help it but to create a new sitting block at the two sides. Thank God for the ushers who had served mightily, and did not stop smiling even though they might be tired of 'ngangkut2in bangku' and arranging the chairs.

Moving on, multimedia team only needs 2-3 people per service due to the limitations in the equipments used. We are no longer using the big camera, and no more dvds and stuff, no more messy cables, and no more service documentations. Okay, maybe in the next two weeks Ko Alfon will start rotating each of us to do and edit the service docs every week and we will upload it in YouTube or other video sharing media for everyone to see.

Because Multimedia team only needs 2-3 people, I won't be scheduled to serve everyweek (yaay for this!). Therefore, I would be able to do other stuff, like making friends with the new comers or so :D

It's amazing to know how I heart (read: love) YRC Sunday. I know it will be used to reach out to more and more young people out there. I am optimistic for this.

Talking about love reminds me of CoOL. Man, how I miss my cellgroup. I want cellgroup meetings!!! Hahahaha... Hai. My cell is now holiday-ing coz almost all the members have gone back to their hometown, leaving my leader, stephanie, and myself. Pathetic? Kinda.

And talking about cellgroup, I don't really treat my cell leader the way I did previously. Ever since my cell leader has a girlfriend, I rather lean back whenever I want to talk to him. I have lots to tell him, but I am afraid his girlfriend might feel uneasy. Another point is that he also doesn't seem to have the time to talk to his cellgroup members lately due to his commitment on his current relationship. I wish I could tell him this, and remind him to talk more often with his members. I want cellgroup meetings, because only with this, he can do whatever things he used to do, pray for us, talk to us, listen to us, go out with us, etc.

Give me back those moments.

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