A Child and His Dad

There was this little kid who longed for a toy car. He wanted the car so much that everyday, he would save a bit of his pocket money in order to buy it. There were tonnes of things that happened along the way, like people tried to steal his money or he accidentally lost some of his money over some stupid stuff. It was true that he was very sad when several things happened against him, but he still kept his dream alive. "I am going to own a toy car," he said.

One day, he went to a toy store and greeted by the salesperson.

Salesperson (SP): Good morning kid, anything I can help you with?"
Kid (K) :Yes, I want a toy car.
SP: Oh, sure, we have a lot of ranges, come with me and take a look.

The salesperson took the kid to the toy car section, where he saw a lot of cars, the big ones and the small ones, the ones with remote-controls and the ones without. Also, there are ones with bright, attractive colours, and ones which can transform into a huge masculine robots. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he looked at the heavenly collection.

However, there was this car that caught his attention. It was equipped with a remote-control and had the most complete features ever. The colours were bright with pride and its speed was tested able to dash faster than the rest. He smiled and had a thought. This car was the one that people talked about. It was popular among his friends. He knew that everyone was dying to get this car. Just that - it was very very expensive.

SP: So, any car do you have in mind?
K: Yes. That one.

He pointed to the car of his choice. The salesperson smiled.

SP: Wow, must be a perfect choice.
K: How much does it cost?

The salesperson revealed the price of the toy car, only to get the kid stood in silence.

K: I don't think I can buy that.
SP: May I know how much is your budget, son?
K: This much.

He opened up his wallet and showed a ten dollars bill.

SP: It's five times less than what the car is worth.
K: I know, but I will save up as much as I can and get that car once I have enough money.

SP: Okay, that's a great idea. However, this is the last stock that we have for this car. It's a limited edition. You might have to save up as quickly as possible before we run out of stock. To be safe, do come again before next week. But again, somebody might have already bought it by then.

The kid silenced.

SP: I'm so sorry, kid. But hey, what about this car? Or this? They cost less, but has about the same feature and functionalities as the one of your choice. The one that makes the difference is just the label. You see, the manufacturer is different. The name is different. But everything else is the same.

The salesperson offered the kid with 2 other toy cars. They did look almost the same, but somehow the kid just wanted the car of his choice. He wanted the best. He wanted his car to come from the best manufacturer and all. He did not want imitations. He did not want any other car.

K: Thanks, I think I'll come back next time.

The kid ran back to his dormitory as fast as he could and began to weep. When he reached, he gave it a thought. "Maybe I will just go get the cheaper one. It's impossible for me to come up with fifty dollars within a week." He was rather depressed by his own thoughts but that's the only thing that he could do. It's the most reasonable thing to do, in fact.

The next morning, his daddy suddenly called.

Daddy (D): Hey son, how are you?
Kid (K): I'm fine, Dad, thanks.
D: I reckon that you are trying to save up some money to get a new toy.
K: Yes, a toy car.
D: Wow. Must be pretty challenging. So, have you saved enough?
K: I don't know, dad. I really don't know. There's this car that I liked, but it's too expensive. I think I'm just gonna get the imitation. It's cheaper.
D: Imitation??? My son will never get anything but the best. I will give the best toy car for you.
K: Dad, it's fifty dollars. I only have ten right now, and the stock might run out by next week. I don't think I can afford it.
D: I have the money. K: I know. I know you do. But how are you gonna give me that money? Right now, reality tells me that I have only ten dollars. That's so it.

D: Don't worry, son. I promise you I'll buy you a toy car. And I'll make sure it's the best.
K: Really?
D: Yes, now tell me, have I ever broken promises before?
K: Nah, not that I know off.
D: That's why. Just wait for the best, son. Take care.
K: Thanks. Bye, Dad.

The kid felt extremely ecstatic. He called his dad everyday just to describe the car that he likes.

K: Remember, dad. Do not get the imitation one! Don't be fooled by how similar they look.
D: Yes, yes. You will never get anything but the best.

The next few days, as anticipated by the salesperson, a lot of his well-financed friends got the toy car he wanted. They showed it off and the kid felt envious over what he saw. The kid often visited the toy store and asked whether the toy car was still in stock. If it was, the boy would call up his father and asked him to hurry up and got the car before it was gone.

Over the days his friends would encourage him to just buy the cheaper ones, that he would not have made it, that his dad would forget and all other similar intimidations. The kid stood up quickly on his feet and will loudly say, "My dad will never forget what he has promised. I believe my dad will get the car for me."

This happened everyday.

Until one fine day, when he almost lost his hope, he finally got the car. He was a little 'offended' because his dad took so long just to buy him the toy car.

The dad, in response, said, "Son, actually I have bought you the car long ago when the stock was still adequate. I just want to see how deep a faith you put in me. Now I know that you really believe in me and that you will always trust in me despite the intimidations you might get. Well done, son."

He smiled. The boy came right after his dad and gave his dad a big big hug.

"You are the best dad ever. I love you so much... I will tell my friends that my dad will never forget promises and he knows what is best for me. Thank you, dad."

The kid did what was said.

Louisa's note: Thank you, Father for knowing what I want. I believe in You. I really really do. For faith is a substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of the things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1). I may not see the outcome now, but I believe that You have reserved the best for me. God oh how much I love You....

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