
hey guys!!

BPERP Mock Test is finally over. I got 89.73%, hahah. Ok la, my class consists of those super people, so that kinda mark was not so great. A lot of people actually scored over 90% and one of them actually obtained full-marks!!! I told ya it's driving me crazy.

Today we had cellgroup and it was cool...!!! We learnt about conversation. And about sharing God's love through praising the Lord and singing psalms and spiritual songs.

On the way back, Andy drove me home. And guess what he drove? A LEXUS CAR!!!! I didn't know, I thought it was a Honda like what Anthony has, but nope, it's a Lexus!!! The seat was super comfortable i tell you. It's such a luxury not everyone can afford. Thanks Andy for the ride!

Yesterday I attended an interview with FC30. They said they gonna call me today which I didn't actually talk to them, okay I did receive a call but i missed it and they didn't call me back after that. Now when I think about it, I didn't know if I wanna work there or not. The thing is, I will be going away to Malaysia on 13th to 15th April to play around with my cellgroup mates, and on the 13th to 14th May I will be helping Ci Lena for her fair in Hougang Mall, and will be away to Riau Islands, Indonesia, on 1st to 7th June for a mission trip. If FC30 hires lots of staff with many spares behind, I don't mind applying for off-days. But Pamela (the boss) told me that they only need 1 counter crew at the moment, which kinda leaves me with no-heart not to work.

Sigh. Another option to choose. Why does everything always have to go through this way??? Options. Options. Options. Sometimes we are spoilt for choices we have had enough of it.

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