I HATE SCHOOL!! LOL. Yeah.. Quit School is the bez!! >.< When's my graduation?? 2 years' time?? Whoahh.. bestt...!! >.<


I don't hate school because of the bitchy friends or watever.. It's the projects that are @#$^$&ly sucky. While all polys are promoting their institution to the prospective students, let me tell you this as a poly student: DON'T GO TO POLY! It will waste your youthh!! You will have to sleep at 2am++ the EARLIEST during project months, and this project moths can mean up to 2 months (or even more)! Not only projects, you will have another paper-based EXAMINATIONS after that!! And this EXAM's weightage can be up to 60%, you obviously won't want to flunk it (which means you also need to MUG and HIT your head on the SUPER THICK BOOKS, and super messy notes~!) And during the term time, you will be ASSESSED everyday thru your COURSEWORK, and there will be POP QUIZZES so make sure you are FULLY PREPARED during Tutorials!~ In the midst of term time, there will be ASSIGNMENTS (individual or group), etc.. etc.. My advice is: Go JC and HAVE FUN!!

JC students, on the other hand, will say that JC is more stressful! I tell you something, it's a myth!! I hate it when they tried to console me and say, "oh.. dont worry, your workload are not as much as ours.." HUH?? THEY DARE TO SAY THIS???!!!!?? *slap 'em*. They dont know how it is like to be a polytechnic student! They believe in a lie that say that POLY students are the 2nD claSs PeoPLe!! What the .. !!

Ok, maybe JC can lead you to university easier than other institutions. I won't say anything about uni lah.. coz university is worse! But hey, uni students are MORE MATURE~~ See their age?? 20 PLUS!! So, when you are still 17 or 18, PLEASE DO CONSIDER YOUR LATE TEENAGE YEARS!! ARRGHH!! I HATE PROJECTS!!

LOL. ExcuSe ME.. Maybe the above are just my 'pelampiasan' of overly tired, overly stressed, overly bored, overly nauseated, and overly sickened me~~ I need a new BATTERY.

The Holy SPirit whispered to me RIGHT NOW: "OHH.. erase that!! ERASE thatt!! You don't bring blessings to anyone if you post that!~"

ARRGHH...~~!! Sometimes it is pressurised to be the AmBaSsaDoR of the KinGdoM of HeaVen.. prestigious position, i know, but you need to Watch watever you sae and do, so that it wont lead anyone to a false way.


I WANNA QUIT SCHOOL AND GO BACK INDOO!! Mann,, I miss my FamiLy!! Ok, this is my flesh. Go against it you sleeping spirit!! >.< *whack my spirit*

Forgive me, Father Lord God.. I can't help it~

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