I'm glad I'm back to YRC Sunday service after been missing for 2 weeks. I guess I really need this coz I have been further and further away from God. The Spirit within me always whispers that I need to mend and work on my relationship with God.
I realised I have been acting like ordinary mankind. I have been talking bad about people, gossiping, cursing and swearing, being nasty to certain people, grumbling, and doing countless of other unworthy things. Being a Christian, I am supposed to be different from others. The reason is simple, because I don't belong to the world. This world. I belong the the Lord, and thus, I need to act things like God. The way He spreads love, the way He make others feel when He is with them, the way He does this and that... Yes, I know that. I learnt those theory in Sunday School. However, I did not put them into practice. It's wrong and it needs changes. Quick one.
I went to the Youth service this afternoon and there was a testimonial from a young lady, saying how she was taken to another dimention by God. Jesus took her to both hell and heaven. Usual story, you might say. However, the way she described hell was real. For those who don't believe, I tell you, Hell and Heaven do exist. You will face judgement (God Himself be the judge), and finally be put in only one of the two after you leave the Earth. You don't know when you will die. It can be tonight, tomorrow, or years later.
- Screams, wails, tears, and blood everywhere.
- Scary, some places are very dark, with extra small cubicles, and there is a human in each cubicle.
- Everlasting fire that won't and can't be extinguished.
- The walls and the floors were full of blood, mucus, saliva, and it's really disgusting.
- People being tortured everywhere, but after that, he/she comes back to normal, ready to be tortured again. In other words, everlasting torture. Torture that won't stop.
- Some of the tortures are:
+ Eyeballs being taken out, blood flows like rivers, but after that, there is a new eyeball again, ready to be taken out again. This goes on and on and on forever.
+ The human inside the cubicles that I said earlier digerogotin ulat-ulat kecil from the top of the head to the tip of the toe. After all the body is gone, and left only the skeleton, there will be a new body again, ready to be eaten by worms soon after.
+ Dikulitin.
+ 2 girls of the same gender were tied together, and so as guys. Then hung above a valley of fire, ready to be "boiled". I guess this goes for the homosexuals...
+ Being scratched, mulutnya dirobek, mukanya dicakar-cakar.
+ Body parts being cut to small pieces again and again.
- The people who are in hell were not only those unbelievers, there are also those who called themselves Christians but do not follow the teachings of Jesus. You may be shocked, but there are pastors too. Wicked pastors.
- Lots of houses. Some of them are big, but some are small. Some are built, some are still under construction. The big houses are for those who were faithful till the end, who served God with the right motivation.
- There are barracks too, for those who just received Christ before their deaths.
- Fresh fruits can just be picked from the trees, and a new fruit will pop out again.
- The floors are made from crystals, the walls are made from gold. How rich God is.
- There is a very big, beautiful and awesome castle. It's where God lives. Some of the people whom He has chosen also live there. Inside there is always a party to celebrate Christ, praising and worshipping God.
- There are angels with and without wings. Those without wings are to praise and worship God, those with wings are for the battle of the spirit.
- People found there are in their most "strong" state. No old and weak people. They are given a new 'body' when they entered heaven. All handsome and pretty.
- John the disciple, Paul the evangelist, David the King, and Moses the prophet are there. They said, "just grab His heart. Be intimate with Him. You will sure guarantee a place here."
- There are everlasting joy.
- Last but not least, Jesus' face is really lovely. Very, very different from what we usually see in pictures. He is a good-looking, ultimate heartthrob.
(Hearing this makes me can't wait to see Jesus face to face, the lover of my soul!)
All believers, seriously, spread around the good news that ALL of us CAN go to heaven, provided that we believe in Jesus. There is NO OTHER WAY to heaven, for He is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Him. (John 14:6)