Seven lessons

Life goes on too fast sometimes I need to catch up faster. I don't really have so much time to procrastinate, to cry, or to do all the unnecessary. My friend Andy once said, "Life is a cruel teacher, it punishes you first before giving you the lesson."

Within this week itself, I have learnt so many things. Too many that me myself is taken aback by them:

1. God always takes promises seriously, unlike most men.
My friend once asked me to promise something to him which supposedly do him a favour, and I did. The very next day he told me to indirectly break the promise I just made, and when I told him I can't coz I have made a promise, he said its okay. This proves that men do not really take promises seriously, the way God does. Also when we promise someone to meet up, sometimes we don't really think that it's important enough to show up. When that person calls, we will think of so many excuses and worst of, still ask, "do you still need me to come?". We don't really think it's important we take our own sweet time having fun with other stuff. God always keeps His promises. When He said He will do something, He really does. When He said He will always be by my side, He never runs away. He never leaves me alone. That's what I meant by keeping promises.

2. Everything that happens in my life is good.
I was reminded on this through one of this week's worship songs in church. It basically says that ever since the beginning, He has already planned my life perfectly, and everything that happens in my life is good coz God plays a part in it, and He has made my life meaningful.
Sometimes sh*t happens and I feel that I am terribly down, I feel that I am the most stupidiotic person ever lived, and I forgot how it feels to be so carefree when I am with the Holy Spirit. Oh well, what the heck. After a thunderstorm, there will always be a rainbow.

3. God is our strength and He's the rock we should cling on to.
Sometimes I feel that I am strong. I think I can fight my own problems myself, and when I know I can't take it, I turn to my friends and not God. I completely forgot that my source of strength is not from men but from God itself. I am reminded that I am weak. I am not as strong as I thought I was. The reason why I can be strong is because my God is strong and I am walking with Him.

4. Depend on God, not on men.
Why? Because God never changes. He is still, and He's powerful, unlike men. Men do change. Men disappoint. No matter how close I am to someone, there is no guarantee that that person will not upset me. Therefore, I learnt that I shouldn't be too dependent on men, let God be the only person I look out for when in need (and when not in need).

5. Pray out loud, say it out.
My advice: When you are low, pick up your guitar and sing. Cry. Shout Jesus' name. Blurt it out loud, treat Jesus as your very good friend. Yes, talk to Him in your most comfortable language. Talk to Him the way you are talking to your bestest friend. Believe me, it helps. Don't think before you say, because when you process it logically with your brain, you won't eventually say it because you will feel embarrased whatsoever. And if you can, do speak in tongue, because when you speak in tongue, it's not you who talks to the Father, but the Spirit in you. And we all know that the Spirit in us knows us better than us ourselves.

6. God is always waiting for us to come back, no matter how sinful we are.
Whatever things I have done that do not please God, they don't matter anymore once I ask for His forgiveness. He loves me so much He can't take it but to forgive. Just ask for His forgiveness and ask Him to cleanse our hearts, and everything will be alright. I was too busy over something I even positioned Him after other stuff. He was no longer my first priority and that's terribly wrong. I am again (for a million times) reminded on this priority issue. I was too embarrased to admit, but hey, I have done it and I felt as if I'm the luckiest person to have known Him as my personal Saviour.

7. Give thanks.
People who give thanks will receive blessings. There are too many reasons for us to be thankful for. For example, when things come to an end, do not grumble that it's over. Instead, be thankful that it happened. And again, thousand things happen in our lives. It's our choice to make those thousands really dreadful, or really meaningful.

Enjoy life ! ^^

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