
She walked along the quiet pavement quickly,
Scared that reality would strike her anytime
and softly whisper to her ear,
the memory she's shared with him.

The lively swimming pool has died in agony.
Two vending machines were standing abreast,
quiet as they studied the picture,

and eavesdropped the very words spoken.

The cheerful playground has turned silent,
Knowing every single secret of her.
Tears slided on those yellow cheekslides,
Slowly outside, but wildly inside.

The swing remained tough and strong
as it witnessed two passionate souls
who neither surrender nor fight.
Their arms locked and their tongues met.

It was a bitter, venomous battle.
The swing was bleeding.

He waved goodbye,
and she knew that's the end.
I'm gonna be strong, says she.

The brightness of the night has gloomed,
and the jovial smile has loosened its signature curve.

All she needs to do,
is to be brave enough to say

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