Miscell Talks: It's final

So I've made the decision. I'll go for TPIS, thank God, at last I've made my decision. I feel really relieved now. I hope everyone respects it, even though i feel really sorry for GCC, especially for Daisy. It's not that GCC doesn't have any mean to me. In fact, it has made me really thinking over it again and again before I decided to leave them. If GCC means nothing to me, it will then be an easy choice.

I realised that it's beyond my ability to run 2 clubs altogether, remembering that i still have the oh-so-heavy schoolwork. I am currently taking 7 modules this semester (excluding APEL 2). It was crazyyy!! Furthermore, I can't seem to understand anything when Kok Yau is talking. DBIS.. what a subject. Primary Key.. foreign key.. subqueries.. arghh.. And this is only SQL, if I am struggling just with SQL, wait till I meet OTBS. Gahhh!! Why do people learn IT? I mean, it will get outdated sooner or later. Sigh..

And POM project due this Monday. Tell me how do I not feel stressed?

~Well, everyone is stressed now~~

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mNg said...

Good luck with school and everything else :) I know you can do it. Just take a break whenever you need one!

Louisa Zephania said...

Wow.. thanks tinker! :))