Event Review: Benny Hinn Prayer for The Nation Crusade
I apologise for not updating this blog for some time.. haha.. There are sooooo many things happened these few weeks, one of them was the Benny Hinn Crusade.
Unlike the previous holiday which i only went to Anggrek most of the time, this time i seldom go there. I got quite a chance to explore Jakarta this holiday. Thanks to Hana who drives me here and there.. ^^v
Alright. Benny Hinn "prayer for the nation restoration" crusade. I went to Carnaval Beach yesterday and there were A LOT of people. I'm not talking bout 5 thousands like that day in Singapore, it is hundred times more. It was stated about 1.5 million people!! It was craaaaaazzzyyyy! Healings, miracles, grace... I was very blessed. Even though it was tiring and the event was held outdoor in a burning afternoon til late at night, but God did not stop working. Imagine if God took a short rest. The event would turn out to be a chaos. I believe that the devil disliked it; he would work extra hard to break everyone's focus, so that everyone couldn't feel the awesome presence of God.
Look at the number of people present! (click to see the above picture more clearly)
The sea of people seeking God...
The stage
There were lots and lots of distractions during the praise and worship. There are disobey indonesians tried to jump over the fence in front of me to get into the VIP area, and i am not talking about one or two people. It was more than ten or perhaps more than twenty. OK, the condition is like this: i got a place in the very front row of the non-VIP section together with Yessy, my sister in Christ in the church. Because it was impossible to provide around 1,500,000 chairs, the non-VIP are required to sit on the ground, while the VIP people who received the invitation got to sit on chairs. And now, who the heck likes it when you try to worship God and people nudge you big time, say "excuse me", have their dirty feet over your shoulder, jump the fence right in front of you, land their feet on some sort of zinc, make the annoying banging sound, stop coz the security guards or the ushers catch their actions, stand stationary right in front of you and block your sight, refuse to go back to their place when you tell them so, watch carefully and seek a chance to jump when no ushers are looking. I mean, hello, the praise and worship have started and i am trying to have my heart focused on the LORD, so could you please accept the fact that you don't have the invitation and that you have to follow the rest of the non-VIP to sit on the ground?? The LORD is right there when you try to jump over the fence.. Aren't you ashamed??
"Being a Christian also means that you need to obey the rules!" said Yessy, who was annoyed big time. We tried to have our hearts and minds focused after that, and thank God, we receive the blessings we want. So many people are healed, including Victor Hutabarat and Melky Goeslow (indonesian artistes).. A lot of DEAF people are HEALED.. did you see that, sister?? Nothing is impossible when God takes over.
Prayer for the nation...
The performance...
The choir...
I am going to share some of the miracles. A ten-year-old boy named Moses has a problem with his heart and lungs. He had asthma. He could only walk a few metres away and that's it; he could hardly breathe. But yesterday, when he prayed and asked for a healing, he heard God said, "Run, Moses. Run!". He had faith in God and he ran, climbed the stairs, ran here and there. Praise the Lord!
For a long time, Melky Goeslaw, a singer, had a 4th stadium cancer. He came to the crusade and was healed. He sang two powerful songs, one of the two was composed by him. I hope that this miracle will bring about a unity in his family.
A person who came lying down hopelessly on a hospital bed, went home walking like normal.
A non-christian singaporean whom at first refused to come to the crusade, but in the end flew to Jakarta because his children continually pleaded him, received the healing, and more importantly, the salvation.
There were more! Like deaf people healed, blind people healed, limping people healed, etc...
Benny Hinn prayed for the sick
Benny Hinn
God is good, and his time is perfect. All the glory, honour and praise be unto God. Praise the Lord!
Thanks to:
for the pictures.
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