Weight and Twisted Perception

For years people have been trying to inspire others on how being fat is normal and people should cherish their body. I sort of agree with them, however, only to a certain extent. I think it is OK to have slanty eyes, flat face, and black hair. I think it is OK to have a dark skin-tone. I think it is OK to have curly hair. I think it is OK to be who you are and cherish the body you are born with. But being fat? Seriously??

Studies have shown that obese teenagers are reducing their chances to get their soul mate by the time they are 40. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly and eat less oily food live longer. Studies have also shown that being lighter (but not too light) is healthier; that is, reducing your chance of getting complications when you are older. Studies also have shown that lighter people have better sexual life.

I think those 'inspirational' talks are just fooling people, giving them a wrong perception that being big is OK. Of course, bigger people like those talks. But I don't. The thing is, I don't like being fat. And whatever lecture they are telling me, those are not gonna go through and pierce my heart. I would just critically listen to those lectures that are supposed to brainwash me and forget them the next minute.

I used to be an XS size girl who weigh less than 50 kg. I found no hassle in shopping for clothes because slim people usually find it easier to get dressed, i.e. to buy clothes that fit and of course, shoes. Online blogs have sizes for average to slim (slim mostly) sizes. XL clothes are harder to find when you shop in South-East Asia. I am talking about Singapore, Indonesia, China, Japan, and Korea.

But I don't wear size XS anymore. And I am irritated by it. And because I am not very tall either, people call me the petite girl. I didn't mind. Mmm ok well. I didn't like being short and wished I could be taller but I sorta have accepted my height years ago. But now, not only I am short, I am fat too. Good God.

My clothes are no longer fit. I went back to Jakarta and my sister has started working. She needed shirts and blouses and my mum told me to give her my clothes. She is about the same height as me and weighs like, 43 kg?? Or is it 42?? So all my clothes that I used to like have been taken away from my wardrobe to hers. Can you imagine that?

So I came back to Singapore after that, and re-arranged my closet because I just moved house. I sorta tried my clothes and guess what??? My clothes are no longer fit!! (except those T-shirts and long blouses). Gosh. That's it man, I have to lose weight. Maybe I will not be as light as my sister, but at least, those clothes in my wardrobe... I have to make sure they fit again.

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