Good Friday service

Heyaz! Went to church for Good Friday Service today. They showed us some clips taken from "The Passion Of The Christ"... Whoa, I could hardly breathe. I closed my eyes most of the time. My tears wanted to come out but it couldn't. All of a sudden, I felt the atmosphere around me was very hot. I perspired a lot (in a cool air-conditioned room), and I could hear my heart beating and my lungs breathing, but, however, I couldn't hear my friends talking. I entirely couldn't hear everything around me, not even the sounds from the movie. Guess I just too weak to see Him crucified on the cross, the bug bulky cross where I AM actually the one who is supposed to be on it.. But He took my place, so that I am free.

Urm.. Do u know what are exactly the reasons He was crucified?

1. Col 1:20, "....God made peace through His Son's sacrificial death on the cross...."

2. 1 John 1:7, "....And the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from every sin."

3. Hebrew 13:12, "For this reason Jesus also died outside the city, in order to purify the people from sin with His own blood."

4. Rom 5:10, "We were God's enemies, but He made us His friends through the death of His Son...."

5. Hebrew 10:11-23. Christ's crucifixion enables us to be in His presence. Now we are able to ask God for everything.

Okay. I am glad that I have a wonderful God who is full of grace and mercy.

After went to church, I met Christina and Terra and we headed to Expo. There was a huge metro sale. I didn't buy anything. We just had fun and had a great laugh. You know, girls just want to have fun ;-p

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