Life's confession. and confusion.
Hi guys.. its been a long long time since I posted in this blog....
Life's been rather hectic these days, I hardly have a time to go out. Yes, I know its a holiday, but my schedule doesn't seem to be empty.
First, BPERP Certification course.
I am taking this course to be SAP solution's certified consultant. It sounds VERY big, i know, but it's a freaking demanding course can?? The notes are like A4 size with an estimated thickness of about a usual oxford advance dictionary, stacked with an NKJV bible on top. Yes. THAT thick it's driving me nuts. Plus, you have to score a minimum 70% in order to get the cert. If you get a 69%, it means that you are very very very unlucky. The course will end on 4 Apr, and the exam will be on the 11th. Wish me all the best!!!
Second, acting and dancing.
Groove and Substation are just beyond cool. REALLY. Didn't know that performing arts are THAT fun. I met friends like Celine and Pei Li (and Chris!!) who give the energy and make dancing not just fun but be the most thing that I really really love (content is correct at the point of publishing, LOL). Also, Charlene, Jeslyn, Nickson, Soo Kian, and Chris for making acting such a thing I don't fear but enjoy. Thanks!!!
Third, Easter day.
YRC Sunday had this celebration on the Easter day. We came back to the sunday school days where egg-decorating competition was ultimately popular. I was extremely sucky at this, knowing that it has been years since the last time I participated in such competitions. Back then, in my childhood days, I always won those competitions. It's either the second or the third (ok la I admit, i think i never got the first before). Lol. But now I sucked to the point where I didn't wish to submit my egg to the committee for assessment. Hahaha. It's sooooooooo ugly!!! But nonetheless, Jesus is still risen and my life is renewed by the blood of Christ. That's what matters.
Fourth, cellgroup.
My cellgroup is growing more and more, and it seems to have more unity this time. It's like now every service, my cellmates will be sitting together. We had an outing last week and it was rather cool. I am praying hard so that everything would turn out just fine.
Fifth, university.
I was shortlisted for an interview for School of Information Systems in SMU. Wish me all the best!! REALLY!!!!
But if you ask me to choose, I would LOVE to go to NUS. Why? Coz that's the only uni in which I went for its open house. Lol. Maybe if I went for NTU's I would be interested too, but I didn't.
Sixth, DBS FEP
Okay, LISTEN everyone!! I was called by DBS HR and they wanted me to undergo an 18 months training with them called Financial Executive Programme, in which they will groom me to be the next Personal Financial Manager and eventually be a Relationship Manager in their Treasures. During that 18 months, I would be paid a monthly salary, and I am entitled for employee benefits such as DBS Shares ownership scheme, financial support for my part-time degree, and so on and so forth. I am majorly confused, coz it's attractive (i dont have to worry about my career, knowing how stable DBS is). And people, it's DBS!!!! HELLO!!!! The largest bank in Singapore, and one of the largest financial services groups in Asia!!!
All this while I always listen to God's voice about university, and now here it is, the excellent career opportunity arrives in front of my eyes. And the worst thing is, I am considering it. As in, I started to question things like "maybe this is God's way...". Like, what on earth do you want, Louisa??? All this while I always say that I believe in miracle, I am seeing with the eyes of faith that I would be in a university. But now, I started to question my faith by saying, "if am not accepted to any of those unis, I am going for this." So now I'm relying on the decision whether or not I am accepted, while previously I am so very sure that I WILL be accepted, no matter how low my GPA is, coz I have a supernatural God, who will perform a miracle in the least way I expect.
I WILL BE, right God????? I should turn DBS down, right??? I should believe in YOU that I will get into Uni right?????? OH NO, I am soooooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dad told me to go for it, the same way as my friends advised me. They said that if DBS is willing to provide a financial assistance for me pursuing a part time degree, why not? I will still get my degree, afterall. But listen, everyone. I dont want to go for a part time degree!! Dont you get what kind of person I am??? I am the kind of student who support school spirit. To me, going to school is beyond studying. It's networking. It's making friends. It's gaining experiences. It's joining CCAs. It's developing skills in a more forgiving environment. It's having fun. I don't care only about whether I get a degree. I care for all of those. That's why I don't like private institutions, not because they are bad, but because they don't offer you all those!!
What am I gonna do now????? ~____~
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