Student Awards Ceremony 2007
I attended the Student Awards Ceremony on Wednesday afternoon, and I received 2 awards: The CCA Merit Award and The Interest Group of The Year Award.
Kind of happy, but do I really deserve these??
Back Left to Right: Daisy, April, Ronald, Ye Tun
Front Left to Right: Peilin, Jane, Stephanie, Me, Isaiah, Jesher, Terence
B L to R: Daisy, April, Ronald
F L to R: Peilin, Jane, Stephanie, Me, Isaiah, Ye Tun, Jesher, Terence
L to R: Ivy, Peilin, Me, Ye Tun, Terence
Standing, B L to R: Terence, Stephanie, Ronald, Peilin, Ivy, Daisy, Jane, Me
Squatting, F L to R: Ye Tun, Isaiah, Jesher
L to R: Ivy, Peilin, Me, Ye Tun
L to R: Ivy, Isaiah, Daisy, Ronald, Alvin, Ye Tun, Me
Anyways, whether I deserve the award or not, I think I should cherish the moments I have for the past year(s). I have learnt a lot through these two demanding CCAs and the people there are the ones who have gone through thick and thin together with me in school. Thanks my CCA-mates!!! Esp. Peilin (for all fun activities you organised, my birthday celebration, EVERYTHING!), Jesher (for all encouraging and motivational words you give when I'm low, for being so darn serious when studying, which makes me worried and hence hitting my books even harder...), Swee Kee (for all the helps you render during all events, for the scoldings, the nagging, and the fun spent, thanks), Isaiah (for your always great back up plans escaping meetings!! Lol. And for sharing the same darn experience joining the club in the middle of the acad year, and sharing the entire bloody encounter.. well.. you know what I mean. lol. And thanks for being lame...), and Terence (thanks for... -uh, what else?- driving all of us home in the middle of the night), you guys are GREAT with a huge G!! You make my days in TP more meaningful :)
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