Miscell Talks: Goodbye, Wasis Eka!
2006 has come and now i just have the time to update my blog. I have been so busy completing my project until i find it hard to find a time blogging. There are a lot of things that happened in 2006, good or bad.
I spent my new year's eve with Wasis, Sisil, Boris and their cousins. It was fun and, oh, fun. The day before that was our CDS registration date. We registered our CDS together. All our subject selections are the same, the four of us plus Yusrin, Jeffry and Dodi. If God allows, the seven of us will be in the same class next semester. The chance is rather slim, I sould say, but well, nothing is impossible, right? We can still expect things to happen as long as there are chances, can't we?
My new year resolutions. I made no special new year resolutions this year, coz i think there is no point if in the end, i can't fulfil any of the resolutions. Basically it is the same as last year's bla bla. Kinda wasting your time, don't you think? However, this year, i am planning to finish my bible reading, as in, completed from Genesis to Revelation. You know what? This bible reading thingy has always been one of my resolutions every single year. i know i will be able to do this. you have 24 hours a day and yet you can't have a time to sit on the corner and just read His love letter? I know it's thick and wordy, but aren't u interested? Bullsh*t if you say you love someone but you are not interested in reading the person's love letter to you, or you are too busy to listen to the person's voice. By 2007, I know i have completed reading the Bible. Amen.
I got my Accounting, Communication Skills, and Statistics papers back, and I remember correctly that I couldn't do Accounting at all. AT ALL. And you know how much did I get? 'A' for both Accounting and Statistics. I know this year is gonna be amazing. A lot of unexpected things will happen, the good ones when I walk with God, and the bad ones when I walk away from God. What about Communication Skills? Well, I got a mere 'C' for the interview role-play, but hey, all the interviewees got nearly the same. Also, I got an 'A' for my resume, and 'A' for my reflective Journal. Not bad, can balance out my 'C'.
I almost lost my handphone in a cab. Thankfully, the person who opened the cab door for me (one of Hyatt Hotel's bellboys, i think), was honest enough to run after me and return my phone. Wow. The world is lacking in such honest people, and yet there was still someone who cares to return back my valuables. God is good. May my living God bless you, dear honest bellboy, wherever you are.
Citra came to Singapore the first day of this year. She said that there is a chance for her not to go back to the US and stay in Singapore for another 2 years until his brother's graduation. Well, Citra was one of the Indonesians in TP as well, but she only spent a week in TP before she quitted and flew to the US. And now she said she is going to quit the US college thingy and stay in singapore even though that does not mean in TP. Shocking? Kinda. Wait until you hear the more shocking news. Ready?
Wasis will quit TP. Tomorrow. I can't believe this. No way man. What about our fashion studies together?? What about our march holiday??? What's wrong with you man, seriously. How dare you!! You quit so suddenly, what's with that?? Nooo. Poor Indo Union. First Citra, then Frida, then Wasis. Why everyone keeps on quitting TP? And why are those people are actually the ones that worth a lot to us? Citra's leaving was enough for me, and now Wasis'. Why on earth!? Leo said people come and go, and these people are actually the ones you care the most. It is a reality that we have to encounter. But the shock outweighed the reality. I thought I was dreaming but I wasnt. He is really leaving. . . Friend, wherever you are, don't forget us okay? You'll definitely be missed. You just have no idea how much.
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