Her View: Consumerism Attacks Young People Nowadays
It's been a long time since the last time I update my blog.. I am currently in Jakarta, so I do not really have much time updating blogs and all that.. Ehehe..
Indonesia is getting crazier and crazier. I believe all of you have been informed that a bomb exploded in our beloved Bali. The victims were mostly Australians and Japanese, which means, DO NOT expect any donations from these 2 countries!! I think God is going to change Bali. Bali used to be known as "The Island of Goddess" or in Indonesian, "Pulau Dewata". There are lots and lots of idols down there. My friend said, "I want my Bali back!". Me? Well, somehow, I don't. Ok. Bali has been a HUGE asset to the country, its beautiful beaches and unique cultures drew tourists from other countries, which means $$ (read: income) for Indonesia. But I believe all things that happen to us (or our countries, be it Indonesia or Singapore or anything) are noted in our God's perfect masterplan. The Bible tells us that God's plan draws us to a promising future (Isaiah 29:11). If Bali is back to its state initially, we won't get the chance to have the REAL paradise, where God Jesus Christ is lifted high (how cool!!), where Bali is no longer "The Island of Goddess" but "The Island of God". Amen.
Not long after the blast, the oil price rose. The inflation rate is 100%. Crazy? Kinda. My parents used to buy petrol for Rp 2,200,- per litre, now, guess what? It's Rp 4,500,- per litre. Imagine the impact--all the prices nation-wide rise! From the public transport fares to the price of an apple. Hehe.. Why apple? Nothing.. I just stated what came into my mind... Lol. So, now, you must be really really smart and efficient in planning ahead your journey. It is better to go to multiple places in 1 journey in order to save your energy, as well as your petrol. Lols. And.. OH DEAR . . . things are getting soooooooooooooo EXPENSIVE!! Please SAVE for heaven's sake!!
Talking about saving, i just talked about consumerism with Melissa. Youngsters nowadays are in a habit of spending, don't u think? Let's see. New handphone models are out, people are competing in order to get the latest gadgets as soon as possible, so they can be the first to have it before their friends do. Another example. Most students are equipped with a PC at home by their dads, but tell u what. They want a laptop! Ask them 'why laptop?', and they will give you tonnes of reasons. It is portable. It has more features. It is cool, and a lot more! So what if it's portable? Does that mean that you will bring your laptop all the way? Oh, so you can use it while you are doing a -sorry- big business on the toilet bowl. Aha! An extremely good reason! -.-" Basically, they want the latest gadgets so that they can show off to their friends. I mean, don't you feel proud if you own that cool, expensive, latest iPod? Tell me I'm wrong, I'm glad if I am!
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